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Fall of Rome.

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1 Fall of Rome

2 Fall of Roman Empire Third century AD, Rome faced many problems
Came from within and from the outside Marcus Aurelius – He marked the end of Pax Romana (180 AD)

3 Economy Trade became disrupted – tribes invaded
Rome reached their limit of expansion so could not depend on more gold and silver Economy suffered from inflation – prices rose, value of money dropped Soil lost its fertility – led to food shortages Disease

4 Military and Political
Military in disarray Roman soldiers gave allegiance to their commanders, not Rome Roman Empire hired mercenaries – foreign soldiers who fought for money. Paid less than Roman soldiers Citizens also lost loyalty With everything happening, they just didn’t care

5 Diocletian Became emperor 284 AD Strict ruler/reforms – limited freedoms Restored order Doubled the army Believed the empire had grown too big Divided empire into East (Greek) and West (Latin) He keeps overall control, but shares power in West He rules the East Became ill – civil war broke out

6 Constantine Restored back to one ruler again
Takes over in 312 AD Restored back to one ruler again Moved the capital city from Rome to Byzantium

7 Constantine City took on a new name of Constantinople
After his death, empire divided again! East survived West fell

8 Western Empire Crumbles
370 AD – invaded by Mongol nomads from N Asia – Huns Germans attacked from the North

9 Western Empire Crumbles
Attila the Hun United the Huns 100,000 soldiers Terrorizes both East/West Empires 70 cities plundered in East -- Constantinople survives Advanced on Rome in 452 AD Didn’t conquer – Famine - Disease

10 Eastern Empire Remains
Final emperor – Romulus Augustulus (14) West is completely gone, East is renamed -Byzantine Lasted 1000 years Preserved Greek and Roman Culture

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