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By Sarah Harp and Matthew An. waschen A. to bathe B. to shower C. to wash D. to eat.

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Presentation on theme: "By Sarah Harp and Matthew An. waschen A. to bathe B. to shower C. to wash D. to eat."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Sarah Harp and Matthew An

2 waschen A. to bathe B. to shower C. to wash D. to eat

3 rasieren A. to cut B. to shave C. to comb D. to brush

4 putzen A. to wash B. to clean C. to bathe D. to shower

5 bürsten A. to dress B. to shower C. to brush your hair D. to comb

6 kämmen A. to brush B. to wash C. to shave D. to comb

7 duschen A. to shower B. to bathe C. to drink D. to shave

8 baden A. to dress B. to undress C. to bathe D. to go to sleep

9 anziehen A. To dress B. To undress C. To eat D. To bathe

10 ausziehen A. To dress B. To undress C. To sleep D. To comb

11 schminken A. To wink B. To cut C. To take makeup off D. To put make up on

12 schneiden A. To paste B. To wrap C. To cut D. To shave

13 mal A. Person B. Place C. Thing D. Time

14 jeden Tag A. Every day B. Someday C. One day D. Tuesday

15 In der Woche A. In an hour B. In a day C. In a week D. In a month

16 das Haar, die Haare A. Rabbit B. Hand C. Hair D. Chin

17 Ich schminke mich. A. I put on makeup. B. I bathe myself. C. I shave myself.

18 Ich schneide mir die Haare. A. I shave my beard. B. I cut my hair. C. I shave my legs.

19 Ich putze mir die Zähne. A. I comb my hair. B. I clean my tongue. C. I clean my teeth.

20 Kämmst du dir die Haare? A. Do you brush your hair? B. Do you brush your teeth? C. Do you comb your hair?

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