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J2EE Design Patterns Umer Farooq CS6704: Design Patterns & Component FrameworksApril 24, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "J2EE Design Patterns Umer Farooq CS6704: Design Patterns & Component FrameworksApril 24, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 J2EE Design Patterns Umer Farooq CS6704: Design Patterns & Component FrameworksApril 24, 2002

2 J2EE: Again?  J2EE BluePrints team has catalogued design patterns  Application in context of MVC  Patterns:  Data Access Object  Fast-Lane Reader  Front Controller  Page-by-Page Iterator  Session Façade  Value Object  …

3 Data Access Object  Intent: Decouple business logic from data access logic and adapt the resource being accessed, so that the type of resource can change easily and independently.  A.K.A. Data Access Component  Business components rely on an underlying data source (such as a particular vendor database) and tie together business logic and data access logic  Extensibility/Modification for a different data resource  Limitations in reusability

4 Structure

5 public Integer ejbCreate (Collection lineItems, Address shipToAddr, Address billToAddr, String shipToFirstName, String shipToLastName, String billToFirstName, String billToLastName, CreditCard chargeCard, String carrier, String userId, double totalPrice, Locale locale) throws CreateException, OrderAppException { orderDetails = new MutableOrderModel ( -1, lineItems, shipToAddr, billToAddr, shipToFirstName, shipToLastName, billToFirstName, billToLastName, chargeCard, carrier, userId, Calendar.getInstance(), Order.PENDING, totalPrice, locale); //... OrderDAO dao = getDAO ( ); int id = dao.create(this.orderDetails); //... }

6 Fast-Lane Reader  Intent: Accelerate read-only data access by not using enterprise beans.  A.K.A. Bimodal Data Access  Important to access a list of data efficiently  In the interest of usability  Access data from DAO, not EJB

7 Structure

8 The Tiered Approach

9 Patterns Roadmap  Doing preprocessing or post-processing of your requests – DecoratingFilter  Whether to implement your Controller as a servlet or JSP – FrontController  Minimize coupling between business and resource tiers - ?  Reduce number of entity beans and improve manageability – Aggregate Entity  How to partition your View and Model – ViewHelper  …

10  g.html g.html  2EE/patterns/J2EEPatternsRelationships.html 2EE/patterns/J2EEPatternsRelationships.html  J2EEPatternsAtAGlance.html J2EEPatternsAtAGlance.html  2EE/patterns/J2EEPatternsRoadmap.html 2EE/patterns/J2EEPatternsRoadmap.html References

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