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Grant Writing for the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant Writing for the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant Writing for the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program

2 Topics Contacts Introduction to the grant program Scoring criteria and making the best of it Rank, Review, and Selection Process Tips for a winning proposal Additional information

3 Regional Office Contacts Samantha Marcum, Coastal Program Regional Coordinator – Responsible for: project development, review & national ranking ( Bart Prose, Grants Administrator – Responsible for: project eligibility, review, & grant administration for restoration projects ( Becky Miller, Grants Administrator – Responsible for: grant administration for land acquisition projects (

4 What is the Coastal Program? 23 High priority coastal ecosystems recognized in the United States Four goals guide the program: –Serve coastal communities –Conserve pristine coastal habitats –Restore degraded coastal habitats –Focus resources through conservation alliances

5 Pacific Southwest Region Coastal Program Mission: To efficiently achieve voluntary habitat conservation, through financial and technical assistance, for the benefit of Federal Trust Species. Mission: To efficiently achieve voluntary habitat conservation, through financial and technical assistance, for the benefit of Federal Trust Species. 4 Local Coastal Programs in CA: -Humboldt Bay -San Francisco Bay -San Diego Bay -Central California Coast

6 Local Program ManagerContacts Paula Golightly, Humboldt Bay, (707) 822-7201 John Klochak, San Francisco Bay, (510) 792-0222 Shawn Milar, North Central Coast, (805) 612-2794 Carolyn Lieberman, San Diego Bay, (760) 431-9440 Samantha Marcum Regional Coordinator, Santa Cruz (831) 427-4753 Denis Rutenberg, Hydrologist/Engineer w/NRCS, Salinas Mary Root, South Central Coast, (805) 644-1766

7 Coastal Program & National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grants Coastal Program Collaborates with state & other partners and provides technical assistance about the grant & proposal Coordinates with partners to identify and develop projects and assist with application Provides input into the development of program guidance and participates in the evaluation & ranking NCWG 1)To conserve pristine coastal habitats; 2) To restore degraded coastal wetlands and adjacent habitats by working with partners; 3) To leverage financial resources and multiply the impact of taxpayer dollars.

8 National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grants Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, & Restoration Act (Sec. 305, Title III, Public Law 101-646, 16 USC 3954) Purpose: -Long-term conservation of coastal wetlands ecosystems - Help States acquire, restore, and enhance coastal wetlands $200,000 to $1 million/project

9 Program Overview 2011 – 24 projects, $19 M 2010 – 25 projects, $19.1 M 2009 – 25 projects, $20.1 M 2008 – 29 projects, $20.8 M 2007 – 24 projects, $18.7 M 2006 – 19 projects, $15.1 M 2005 – 16 projects, $13 M Funding typically shared by 10-15 States

10 National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grants Eligible Applicants State agencies designated by Governor: – Coastal Conservancy – California Department of Fish and Game – Wildlife Conservation Board – California Natural Resources Agency – California Coastal Commission – Several Conservancies, CCC

11 Eligible Activities 1.Acquisition of a real property interest in coastal wetlands and/or waters. 2.Restoration, enhancement, or management of coastal wetland ecosystems.

12 Ineligible Activities Navigation, irrigation, flood control Mitigation Wetland creation Enforcement

13 Ineligible Activities Research Planning (as a primary focus) Operations & maintenance Upper portions of watersheds

14 Timeline Now-June 27: Work with Local Managers of Coastal Program to design project and develop your proposal May 16 – Pre-proposals “due” for early review by FWS Regional Office (RO) - email to Bart and Samantha June 9 – RO will return pre-proposals no later than this date June 27 – Begin trying to submit proposals online June 30 – Official submissions due to FWS RO or Aug-Oct – Site visits by Regional & Local Managers of Coastal Program Sept 9, 4pm – Additional Letters of Commitment due to RO October – National Ranking Team ranks proposals Dec 2011/Jan 2012 – Awards announced January 2012 (+) – Complete Environmental Compliance & obligate $$

15 Assembling the Package

16 Content and Form of the Proposal Package Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) Budget Information (SF 424A, 424C, or similar table) Assurances (SF 424B or 424D) Project Statement = 35 PAGE LIMIT!! Letters of Commitment from non-State match providers



19 Project Statement Sets Rationale and Objectives Delineates Annual Work Segments Lists Results and Benefits Describes Approaches & Evaluations Establishes Estimated Costs Lists Personnel and Location of Work

20 Project Statement Need Why is the project being undertaken? How does the identified need relate to the grant program? What evidence is there of the need?

21 Project Statement Objectives What – not how Specify exactly what you hope to accomplish in relation to the problem or need If grant proposal is part of a larger project, clearly distinguish the elements proposed for the grant Specify a date everyone recognizes as when it will be accomplished

22 Project Statement Objectives Output / Benefit Oriented Realistic given the time, funds and materials Accomplishments must be measurable or verifiable

23 Objectives SMART – Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Realistic – Time-limited

24 Writing the Objectives By December 31, 2011; Protect 563 acres of coastal wetlands; Restore or enhance 450 acres of palustrine emergent and estuarine intertidal emergent wetland habitat comprising 80% of the project area; Manage the project area in perpetuity for the conservation of coastal wetland habitat and the fish and wildlife populations that depend on them.

25 Project Statement Expected Results Increased benefits to coastal lands, waters, fish, and wildlife - What and how is this determined? Increased access and use – How much, how measured and who will benefit? Economic impact – How measured? Increased recreational opportunity – How measured?

26 Project Statement Approach How will you reach the objective(s) in the time allotted? Specific procedures Schedules Key project staff functions Cooperators

27 Project Statement Location Where will the work be done? Include 3 maps at different scales Photos

28 Project Statement Estimated Cost How much does it cost? How do you know? Federal & Grantee share (based on federal grant amount) Non-federal Cost Share only based on part of project funded by grant (not total project) Cost Detail – Cost categories or job costs? No Miscellaneous or Contingency costs

29 Project Statement Other Elements Description of State Trust Fund Contribution to other ongoing efforts in the region Key personnel Public involvement

30 Ranking Criteria 1.Wetlands Conservation (7 points) 2.Maritime forests on coastal barriers (0 points) 3.Long-term conservation (7 points) 4.Coastal watershed management (3 points) 5.Conservation of threatened and endangered species (5 points) 6.Benefits to fish (5 points) 7.Benefits to coastal-dependent or migratory birds (5 points)

31 Ranking Criteria (cont.) 8.Prevent or reduce contamination (5 points) 9.Catalyst for future conservation (4 points) 10.Partners in conservation (4 points) 11. Federal share reduced (5 points) 12. Education/outreach program or wildlife-oriented recreation (3 points) 13. Other factors (4 points) “Summary of the Ranking Criteria” is a good format to follow.

32 Wetlands Conservation

33 Maritime Forests on Coastal Barriers “Broad-leaved forests that occur on barrier islands and along the mainland coast from Delaware to Texas” 0 POINTS= We do not have this habitat type in California

34 Long-term Conservation

35 Coastal Watershed Management

36 Conservation of Threatened and Endangered Species

37 Conservation of State Species of Concern (Maximum of 5 points for Category 5a and b; maximum of 2 points for 5b)

38 Benefits to Fish

39 Benefits to Coastal-Dependent or Migratory Birds

40 Prevent or Reduce Contamination

41 Catalyst for Future Conservation

42 Partners in Conservation Note: These contributions will not “count” if there is no corresponding letter of commitment!

43 Federal Share Reduced

44 Education/Outreach Program or Wildlife-Oriented Recreation

45 Other factors

46 Other Factors Rare or threatened habitat types, biologically diverse habitats Cost effective Invasive species Cultural or historical resources benefits Climate Change


48 Additional Considerations Used as tie breakers Must be addressed – Would prevent the destruction or degradation of habitat from pending sale. – Would protect unique and significant biological diversity. – Has lower cost per acre conserved. – Provides lands as matching funds.

49 Grant Writing Tips - General

50 Writing Competitive Grants Key Points Address all ranking criteria Identify critical dates in the process Understand how ranking criteria effects your score

51 Writing Competitive Grants Key Points Maximize non-federal share Include partners Complete package

52 Grant Writing Tips - General Allow enough time Carefully follow guidelines Shorter is better Include only requested information Proper grammar & spelling Make the application easy to read Neat, complete, and on time Clear and definitive

53 Grant Writing Tips - Budget Realistic budget Check for consistency Do not include a “miscellaneous” budget category Have Service staff review draft

54 Application Package 1.Executive Summary 2.Proposal 3.Budget Breakdown 4.Letters of Commitment and Support

55 DON’T : Be ambiguous “Fudge” or add “glorifications” Have big eyes and a tiny stomach Include terms/costs having no relationship to the proposal Include “interested parties” who may be supportive but have no solid contribution

56 Congratulations-You were awarded funding! What Happens Next?


58 Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program (WSFR) receives notification that the Service Director approved the Awards WSFR sends an official Award notification to the Grantee

59 AWARD Project Leader asked to provide documents pertaining to environmental compliance: – Coastal Zone Management – Uniform Relocation Assistance & Real Property Acquisition Policies Act – Floodplain Management, Protection of Wetlands – National Environmental Policy Act – National Historic Preservation Act – Endangered Species Act

60 AWARD Fiscal Officer review AFA When environmental compliance is completed, the WSFR Grant Manager approves Chief of WSFR reviews and approves the Notice of Grant Award Funding is obligated Grantee receives signed copy of Notice of Grant Award with information, legal requirements, Provisions and Conditions If grantee draws funds, it indicates they agree to all the terms, provision and conditions

61 AWARD Award Letter Contains: – Federal ID # - Grant number – Performance period, effective dates – Federal share of funding that is awarded – Terms of Acceptance – Provisions and Conditions – Signature of the Chief of WSFR

62 AWARD The Agency Coordinator should assure that: – Project Leader/Administrative staff are aware of Provisions and Conditions Only partial funds obligated Level of reporting required (Project or Grant- level) Other required documents before work starts For land acquisitions, there is a “laundry list”

63 Post Award: Monitoring, Amendments and Reports

64 Monitoring The Grantee monitors the grant and Project progress to ensure: – The grant will not expire prematurely – Funds are accurately drawn – Non-federal share is available – All ongoing compliance with grant provisions and conditions are met – Project is accomplished according to the grant project description

65 Monitoring Your Grant/Project Use iFAIMS Ongoing communication with EVERYONE Annual Reports to WSFR

66 Amendments An amendment will be needed if: – Grant is expiring – Change in Project Contact/staff – Source or proportion of nonfederal match is changed – Scope of project changes – Need new parcels – And MANY others – if in doubt, call WSFR

67 Reports Your Opportunity to Show Your Progress and Success

68 Performance and Financial Status Reports Performance How were objectives met? Account for each objective in grant narrative Be as specific as possible Only include grant/project funded activities Discuss deviations from achieving the objectives Financial Completed by your Agency Fiscal Staff Should match with what is in iFAIMS

69 Report Deadlines 1 st Deadline 2 nd Deadline Last 30 days 90 days 180 days (Grantee must request) Only in DIRE situations – Grant is now out of compliance From the time your grant ends (or at the anniversary date), reports are due:

70 Grant Close-Out

71 Grant Closure Process – Final Performance Report Land Acquisition Documentation – Final Drawdown – Final Financial Status Report (SF- 269)

72 After Closeout Monitoring Land Acquisitions – Must continue to serve the purpose for which acquired- In perpetuity... Yes...FOREVER – Must get WSFR approval to encumber or dispose of the property – Can be audited for compliance Restoration/Enhancement – Must continue to serve the purpose - Useful life (+20 years) or In perpetuity – Must get WSFR approval to change the status – Can be audited for compliance

73 Early and Frequent Communication Monitor Progress and Expenditures Monitoring AFTER the Grant

74 Questions ?

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