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Friday October 23, 2015 Yesterday, I forgot my sisters birthday! We have word generation today. We have our bell challenge. We will finish/begin peer editing.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday October 23, 2015 Yesterday, I forgot my sisters birthday! We have word generation today. We have our bell challenge. We will finish/begin peer editing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday October 23, 2015 Yesterday, I forgot my sisters birthday! We have word generation today. We have our bell challenge. We will finish/begin peer editing. We will be introduced to a new text about the internet! Have your desk prepared for word generation please.

2 Word Generation Can you use it in a sentence? 1.gender: (n) either of two groups into which many living things are divided (male or female) 2.comprise: (v) to make up; to form 3.adapt: (v) to change to fit a new situation 4.conduct: (v) to behave in a particular manner 5.paradigm (n) a model or example

3 Word Generation Should single-gender education be an option for families or should all public schools be co- ed?  Jenni, a junior that attended an all-girls high school, is concerned about living in a co-ed dorm because she does not have much experience being around the opposite sex.  A new law has made single-gender schools available for all students.  Supporters of the law believe that students learn better when they take classes with the same sex.  Teachers have indicated that when taught in single-gender environments girls participate more and boys pay better attention.  However, schools also teach students about socially appropriate behaviors and the workforce that is not single-sexed but comprised of both men and women.  Students that attend single-gender schools might have difficulty adapting to mixed-gender situations.

4 Word Generation Writing Prompt Should single-gender education be an option for families or should all public schools be co-ed?  Remember…  use the focus words from this week and previous weeks.  State your claim and support your claim with textual evidence and personal experiences.  This week’s generation ready will be graded. Do your best work!

5 Bell Challenge Invitation to Apply Pattern Use the pattern to respond to the following quick write prompt: Is there a solution to end poverty? Remember…  Use the various writing techniques that we have learned.  You must include proper use of the dash in this prompt.  Cite textual evidence and use personal experience to make your writing more effective.

6 Criteria for Success… At the end of today’s lesson, I will…  Use my peer editing skills to assist a fellow writer.  Use reciprocal reading to comprehend a complex informational text.

7 Peer Editing Informative Essay 1

8 “Saving the World One Click at a Time” Vocabulary Sort Directions: Write the following words on individual post-it notes and place them on your word sort according to your knowledge of each word. 1.fundraiser 2.petition 3.sponsor 4.funds

9 Fundraiser Part of speech: noun Definition: an event held to generate financial support for a charity or other enterprise Sentence: The Heart Walk is a good fundraising opportunity for the American Heart Association.

10 Petition Part of speech: noun Definition: a formal written request, typically one signed by many people, appealing to authority with respect to a particular cause Sentence: Charlie’s mother petitioned the court for sole custody of him and his little sister.

11 Sponsor Part of speech: noun Definition: a person or organization that provides funds for a project or activity carried out by another, in particular Sentence: Mrs. Johnson sponsors the Horn Lake Middle School cheerleaders.

12 Funds Part of speech: noun Definition: a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose Sentence: The funds collected by the American Heart Association are used to support research to cure heart disease

13 Words to Look for... What do you think these words mean? 2.potential 3.reduce 4.provide 5.legitimate

14 How does the internet make life more accessible to us? How can we use the internet as a tool to help those in need? “Saving the World One Click at a Time” Discussion

15 “Saving the World One Click at a Time” Reciprocal Reading & Internet List You will…  Use the reciprocal reading strategies to read the text in small group.  Remember…  Stop at the end of each section and summarize what the author has written.  Ask questions about the text.  Clarify the text within your group.  Make predictions based on what you have read in each section.  As you reciprocal read, you will make a group list of ways the internet can help save the world.

16 Homework Write the final draft of your informational essay. Your essay will be due completed and revised on Monday. NO EXCEPTIONS! You will submit: Your graphic organizer Your rough draft Your final draft

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