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Johnny Tremain By Ester Forbes. Terms Character- person, animal that takes part in the action Setting- time and place of the story Conflict- struggle.

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Presentation on theme: "Johnny Tremain By Ester Forbes. Terms Character- person, animal that takes part in the action Setting- time and place of the story Conflict- struggle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Johnny Tremain By Ester Forbes

2 Terms Character- person, animal that takes part in the action Setting- time and place of the story Conflict- struggle between two opposing forces – External -happens between characters – Internal -happen within a character Characterization- reveals the personality of characters

3 Figurative Language Metaphor- comparing two unlike things not using “like” or “as”. Ex. The boy was a monkey. Simile- Comparing two unlike things using “like” or “as”. The boy was as agile as a monkey. Personification- giving a non-human or inanimate object human qualities

4 Figurative Lang. Cont. Foreshadowing- use of clues by author to hint of something to come. Cause- A reason, motive which produces a result. Effect-the result or consequence of an action, or cause.

5 Cause and Effect Cont. Cause Because it was raining outside Joe wanted to take a nap. Effect the game was canceled. He took the phone off the hook. Examples of Cause and Effect

6 Cause and Effect Cont. Effect could be started first; however we know it didn’t happen first. Effect (as a result of) Cause Jake earned an A on his report many hard hours of research.

7 Character Map Mr. Lapham(silversmith) Son(deceased) Mrs. Lapham (wife of son) Madge Doras CillaIsannah Apprentices DoveDusty MillerJohnny Tremain

8 The End

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