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Date: Tuesday, May 26 th 2015 Topic: Review Grammar Points Objective: To check Subjects and Predicates, Fragments and Run-Ons, and Kinds of Sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "Date: Tuesday, May 26 th 2015 Topic: Review Grammar Points Objective: To check Subjects and Predicates, Fragments and Run-Ons, and Kinds of Sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: Tuesday, May 26 th 2015 Topic: Review Grammar Points Objective: To check Subjects and Predicates, Fragments and Run-Ons, and Kinds of Sentences.

2 Explain with your own words the meaning of the following words:  Subject  Predicate  Fragment  Run-On  Exclamation  Statement  Question  Command

3 Practice # 5  A. Circle the Subject and Underline the Predicate of each of the following sentences:  1. The sky is blue.  2. Fernanda and the hockey team fly in first class.  3. I learned how to saw.  4. They love playing in the field.  5. Suzanna believes that her dog is handsome.  6. Little kids could earn money by selling chocolate.  7. Alejandra, Rafaella, and Tris enjoy drinking coffee.  8. The subject could be an animal, thing, or place.  9. The predicate is what the subject is doing.  10. We have learned four kinds of sentences.

4  B. Identify what is missing from the following Fragments (Subject or Predicate). Then, complete the Fragments to form a complete sentence:  1. The students of Kinder  2. Saw a beautiful horse  3. Cooked in a big house  4. The most daring journalists  5. said no.

5  C. Correct each Run-On sentence.  1. Moose is the American name for the largest deer it is called elk in Europe.  2. The name comes from mos the word is from a Maine Indian language.  3. Moose live in forests, they are comfortable in the cold.

6  D. Identify the following sentences. Write their name.  1. I enjoy studying English!  2. My town is very beautiful.  3. Have you ever had a dream?  4. Do the dishes.  5. The game is boring.  6. Follow instructions.  7. Live your life at your fullest!

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