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Full list can be found on  Become less in amount or intensity  Your enthusiasm for skiing might abate after falling off a ski lift and.

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Presentation on theme: "Full list can be found on  Become less in amount or intensity  Your enthusiasm for skiing might abate after falling off a ski lift and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Full list can be found on

2  Become less in amount or intensity  Your enthusiasm for skiing might abate after falling off a ski lift and getting a mouthful of snow.

3  To give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations  Sometimes someone in  power might decide to  give up that power and  step down from his or  her position. When they  do that, they abdicate their authority, giving up all duties and perks of the job.

4  A state or condition markedly different from the norm  An example of an aberration  is when the temperature hits  90 degrees in January  — it's nice and warm, but  it's really strange.

5  Choose not to consume  People usually abstain from things that are considered vices — like drinking alcohol or eating chocolate.

6  A state of misfortune or affliction  When circumstances or a situation works against you, you face adversity.

7  Concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste  A velvet painting of dogs playing poker might have minimal aesthetic appeal.

8  Characterized by friendship and good will  The end of a romantic relationship that's less than amicable might involve broken dishes or broken bones.

9  Chronologically misplaced  Something that's  old-fashioned  and maybe a little  out of place is  anachronistic, like a clunky black rotary-dial telephone sitting on a desk beside a sleek new smart-phone (or whatever the new technology when you read this).

10  Lacking sufficient water or rainfall  Death Valley in California features an arid climate, which is why it's called Death Valley and not Life Valley.

11  A shelter from danger or hardship  Any mom taking care of the kids day in and day out is probably more than ready to seek asylum, or refuge, at a local spa.

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