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Mov’eo’s activities on FoF and its SMEs group INI Brussels, October the 22nd, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Mov’eo’s activities on FoF and its SMEs group INI Brussels, October the 22nd, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mov’eo’s activities on FoF and its SMEs group INI Brussels, October the 22nd, 2015

2 Mov’eo today 2 +100 technological experts efficient cluster A very According to DGE assessment Active cluster An internationally …working together within the cluster SME Laboratories Large Companies Academics Research Structures 38 members 200 SMEs growing for 7 years a recognized label 375 Labelled projects € 1,4b 70% Of Automotive R&D on Mov’eo territories +400 Press impacts per year budget

3 Mov’eo’s key figures on FoF 25 projects dedicated to FoF financed since 2006, more than 80 M€ of R&D budget 1 comitee dedicated to materials and processes that gather 15 experts from the automotive industry and laboratories 1 SMEs group (INI) dedicated to Numerical Integration for Industry 2 SMEs group under construction dedicated to: Composites and its processes Work organisation in the plant (flow management, ergonomics, etc…) 3

4 Focus on the INI SMEs group INI: Numerical Integration for the Industry is a group of innovative SMEs with more than 20 years of experience in the field of IoT and big data Its activity is the conception, realisation and integration of data bases for high added value services Activity Volume: 90M€ equity: 15M€ people: 900 Presence in 10 countries in Europe and in Asia

5 Expert in digital merchandising, Carlipa integrates every kind of Hardware for Digital Technologies Intempora is the editor of RTMAPS software (real time multisensor advanced prototyping software), simple and efficient tool for fast prototyping of embedded applications Nexyad is a high technology society specialized in signal, datas and image processing Numerical Services Company specialized in new software technologies (architectures JEE and SOA, job rules, BPM) in the digital and service field 5th memberDiscussions running for the integration of a 5th member: a specialist of sensors integration in infrastructures or objects Complementarity of the group

6 Key figures Created at the end of 2013 500 k€ of activity in 2014: 450 k€ from business with other companies 50 k€ from business inside the group Exemples of solutions that the group is able to provide: Assistance for conception and fabrication of a banknote sorting machine Predictive maintenance for train tracks Virtual visit of a museum/plant with augmented reality 6

7 Success conditions This kind of group is the result of a common vision and ambition in a specific field Success is based on two values: share and confidence Some companies can be competitors on some subjects Rules have to be clear for all the members of the group Goal: sustainability of the group => mid and long term target Commercial results are not immediate 18 months is a minimum in order to build an offer and to identify priorities in terms of business opportunities 7

8 Experience 8 Challenges To find an agreement on the strategy Time effect: animation is very important To provide a ROI for each member To maintain the commmercial activity rythm (need for a business developper?)

9 Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Henry Ford More informations:

10 10 Thank you for your attention

11 Annexe 5-8 SMEs/Group Meetings once a month (minimum) with CEO Search for technological cooperation and business opportunities (subscription to data bases) help for international missions, congress… Organisation of meetings with large companies Organisation of brainstormings on business (products/services) offers (B2B, B2C) Common responses to offers Common commercial actions Products co- development Additional activity and jobs creation Mov’eo Groupement Mov’eo Support Résults Membership: 300 € HT/month/SME

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