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High-resolution experiments on projectile fragments – A new approach to the properties of nuclear matter A. Kelić 1, J. Benlliure 2, T. Enqvist 1, V. Henzl.

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Presentation on theme: "High-resolution experiments on projectile fragments – A new approach to the properties of nuclear matter A. Kelić 1, J. Benlliure 2, T. Enqvist 1, V. Henzl."— Presentation transcript:

1 High-resolution experiments on projectile fragments – A new approach to the properties of nuclear matter A. Kelić 1, J. Benlliure 2, T. Enqvist 1, V. Henzl 1, D. Henzlova 1, J. Pereira 1, M. V. Ricciardi 1, K.-H. Schmidt 1, Ch. Schmitt 1, O. Yordanov 1 1 GSI – Darmstadt 2 Univ. Santiago de Compostela, Spain

2 Why studying nuclear-matter properties? Fundamental questions: - How does the nuclear matter „look like“? - How does it behave under extreme conditions: high densities and temperatures, extreme N/Z ratio...? Static properties of NM: Incompressibility, phase transitions, excitation of nucleons... Dynamic properties of NM: Viscosity, momentum dependence of nuclear mean field... Problem: Most of the observables are sensitive to different and often competing effects! New observables: - Spectator response to the participant blast ( MV. Ricciardi et al, PRL90 (03) 212302 )  Momentum dependence of the nuclear mean field. - Isospin thermometer (K.H. Schmidt et al., NPA 710 (02) 157)  Thermal instabilities in NM. - Partial fission cross sections and width of charge distributions (B. Jurado et al. subm. to PRL)  Viscosity of NM.

3 -TOF (F2  F4):  TOF ~ 100 ps - x(F2), x(F4):  x ~ 3 mm - B 1, B 2 :  B/B ~ 10 -4  (B  )/(B  ) ~ 5 · 10 -4,  (  ·  )/(  ·  ) ~ 2.5 · 10 -3,  A/A ~ 2.5 · 10 -3. After identification of Z and A (Z and A are integer numbers) B  provides velocity with high precision  resolution of 5  10 -4 in  ·  ! Experiment But: No correlation to other products, low acceptance for fission fragments and very light fragmentation residues. 238 U+Pb 1AGeV T. Enqvist et al., NPA658(99)47.

4 Experimental results – general view Data analysed by: M. Bernas (NPA725(03)215), M.V. Ricciardi (PhD), J. Taïeb (NPA724(03)413). 238 U + protons 1AGeV Systematic information on nuclide distributions and velocities. Uncertainties: - Cross sections: 3% statistical, 9-15 % systematical. - Momentum:  p/p ~ 5  10 -4. - N/Z ratio: 1 %.

5 Experimental results – specific Investigation of the momentum-dependent mean field (PRL 90 (2003) 212302). PRL 90 (2003) 212302 Projectile-spectator Target-spectator Participants

6 Present statusand outlook Present status and outlook Isospin thermometer : 136 Xe(1 A GeV ) + Pb analysis in progress, 124 Xe(1 A GeV ) + Pb measurements at this moment.  PhD D. Henzlova. EOS : Au + Au and Sn + Sn experiments in preparation.  PhD V. Henzl. Viscosity of nuclear matter : Fission data of 60 radioactive nuclei ranging from U to Ac analysed, model calculations in progress.  Ch. Schmitt

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