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English II Honors Block 4B Tuesday, 10/13/15. Do Now Jane Eyre Chapters 1-5 Reading Check Quiz Answer five questions in complete sentences. Answer up.

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Presentation on theme: "English II Honors Block 4B Tuesday, 10/13/15. Do Now Jane Eyre Chapters 1-5 Reading Check Quiz Answer five questions in complete sentences. Answer up."— Presentation transcript:

1 English II Honors Block 4B Tuesday, 10/13/15

2 Do Now Jane Eyre Chapters 1-5 Reading Check Quiz Answer five questions in complete sentences. Answer up to three more for extra credit. When you have finished the quiz, complete journal entry #3: From Jane’s perspective, Mrs. Reed’s actions in Jane Eyre seem unwarranted and inexplicable. Write two paragraphs, from Mrs. Reed’s perspective, explaining her treatment of Jane. Why would she treat her like this? Consider hints given in the story, and write in the first person.

3 Today’s Class… Jane Eyre Introduction Discussion: Using First Impressions worksheet as a springboard, we will discuss the first five chapters of Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre Part I Vocabulary Reviewed

4 Diffidence (noun) shyness, insecurity

5 Visage (noun) a person’s face or facial expression

6 Abhor (verb) to regard with disgust or hatred

7 Insolent (adjective) showing a rude lack of respect

8 Sanguine (adjective) optimistic or positive

9 Diminutive (adjective) extremely small

10 Capricious (adjective) given to sudden changes of mood

11 Vehement (adverb) showing strong feeling

12 Relinquish (verb) to give up or abandon

13 Reverie (noun) a daydream

14 Interloper (noun) an intruder

15 Pious (adjective) sacred, holy

16 Countenance (noun) a person’s face or facial expression

17 Stalwart (adjective) loyal, reliable

18 Ardently (adverb) eagerly, passionately

19 Pensive (adjective) thoughtful, contemplative

20 Ameliorate (verb) to make better

21 Malady (noun) a disease or sickness

22 Brackish (adjective) salty, usually applying to water

23 Soporific (adjective) causing sleepiness or drowsiness

24 Homework Read “Overview of the Victorian Era” by Anne Shepard and “Stanzas” by Emily Bronte, and write 1 to 2 pragraphs explaining how Emily Bronte’s poem challenges the Victorian lifestyle. Read chapters 6-12 of Jane Eyre for Friday (10/19) and complete reaction sheet.

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