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H ELLO Donnia Trent IRSC Main Campus, Tomeu Center, GED, Lab 311 Fort Pierce, FL.

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1 H ELLO Donnia Trent IRSC Main Campus, Tomeu Center, GED, Lab 311 Fort Pierce, FL

2 W ELCOME TO E LLUMINATE What is Elluminate Elluminate, Inc. is a web-based avenue for providing on-line classes in real time.

3 Whiteboard Tools The Participant Interface

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6 P OLLING Types Yes/No Multiple Choice Slowdown/Speedup Class Pace Responses will appear in the Participants window if the moderator has selected to show them


8 D ISCUSSION T OPICS 1) Where did the Roman Empire Begin?

9 D ISCUSSION T OPICS 1) Where did the Roman Empire Begin? 2)Why was Roman Law important?

10 D ISCUSSION T OPICS 1) Where did the Roman Empire Begin? 2)Why was Roman Law important? 3)How were Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar good rulers for Rome?

11 I NTRODUCTION Date referrals A.D. – AD commonly refers to Anno Domini, Latin for "In the Year of (Our) Lord", applied to years following the year of Christ’s birth and afterAnno Domini B.C. – Before the Birth of Christ Ancient Romans Great conquerors Built an empire Ruled much of ancient world for over 900 years Eventually, empire became weak

12 1. W HERE DID THE R OMAN E MPIRE B EGIN ?  Began in the country of Italy – (shaped like a boot)  Italy is in Europe near the Mediterranean Sea and France  Italy is a peninsula (much like Florida) – a body of land were 3 of the sides are surrounded by a large body of water  Italy has 2 large islands  Italy has large mountain areas

13 1. W HERE DID THE R OMAN E MPIRE B EGIN ? Around 753 B.C. Romans began to build the City of Rome in Italy People of Rome were called Romans Romans did not want a king or queen Romans became republic (people can vote for their leaders) Roman republic led by the Senate (or Senators)

14 W HY DID ROMANS BECOME REPUBLIC ? A. So could have kings and queens. B. So people could vote for their leaders. C. Because they were forced to.

15 Romans republic was not a democracy Rich people had more power than poor people Only citizen were allowed to vote Most Romans were not citizens so they could not vote After many years, some laws were changed Poor Romans could help make laws, but rich still made most laws 2. W HY WAS R OMAN L AW IMPORTANT ?

16 Women had more freedom in Rome than other cities They could own land They could hold jobs They were citizens, but could not vote

17 2. W HY WAS R OMAN L AW IMPORTANT ? Many Roman laws are still used today Romans used the veto (gives government the right to stop a law from being passed) Romans believed that their laws should apply to all people in empire Romans believed people accused of a crime were innocent until proven guilty Romans believed accused person had a right to a fair trial Incorporated some of the Greek alphabet to make the Romans alphabet – our current alphabet is almost the same as the Roman alphabet



20 One of the greatest leader Leader of Roman Army 49 B.C. named ruler of Rome Ruled Rome for 5 years He made many changes He gave land to poor Romans He gave poor Romans jobs Many roads & temples were built under him Roads made travel easier He gave people in conquered lands the same rights as Romans He was well liked among the people Many senators thought he had too much power, so they killed him in 44 B.C. J ULIUS CAESAR

21 G AIUS J ULIUS C AESAR V IDEO This video depicts Julius Caesar’s life from a young age of 20. It covers the many battles and positions that led to him becoming the Ruler of Rome.

22 After Julius Caesar’s Death, Mark Anthony & Augustus Caesar found to rule Rome Augustus Caesar won the war to rule Rome Augustus Caesar became Rome’s first emperor in 27 B.C. People did not vote for an emperor Rome was no longer a republic Although, Augustus was a good emperor to his people He made fair laws He built many new cities, roads, bridges, and waterways He built a strong army He ruled for 41 years He brought peace to ever4y part of the empire This peace lasted for 200 years The empire eventually grew weaker A UGUSTUS C AESAR

23 A UGUSTUS C AESAR V IDEO 1. What was Augustus Caesar’s relationship to Julius Caesar? 2. What calendar month was named after Augustus Caesar?

24 T HANKS FOR JOINING THIS CLASS Watch for other Elluminate Breakout Classes M – TH 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. daily Donnia Trent, Moderator RL # 3.9 FL Stds: 02.02, 02.03, 02.04, 02.06, 02.09, 02.13, 02.15

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