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10/31/2014 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! In your life, what scares you? What has been your scariest experience ever!?

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Presentation on theme: "10/31/2014 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! In your life, what scares you? What has been your scariest experience ever!?"— Presentation transcript:

1 10/31/2014 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! In your life, what scares you? What has been your scariest experience ever!?

2 11/3/2014 What did Hippocrates say was the cure to all diseases? What do you think? Would that work?


4  Latins moved into Italy and several villages united to form Rome  Paved roads, drains, sewers  Copied Greek Culture  Roman gods and myths mirrored Greek gods/myths

5  Rome was built on 7 hills, 15 miles inland from the coast  Protected city from invasion by sea  Instituted a Republic…

6  Most influential and powerful part of Gov.  Controls public funds  Dictates foreign policy  Acts as a court  Can name dictators who rule up to 6 months

7  Consuls: chief executives (2)  Ran government, commanded army, veto power  Praetors: oversaw the Roman legal system  Censors: Gov. helpers  Registered citizens according to wealth  Appointed candidates to the Senate  Oversaw moral conduct to all citizens

8  Made up of citizens (Patricians and Plebeians)  Voted on laws and elected officials  Tribunes: 10 officials who had some power over public officials

9  Patricians: powerful landowners who controlled government  Plebeians: farmers and workers who made up most of the population  By 300 B.C. – distinction disappeared as plebeians slowly increased power through wealth

10  Every male citizen who owned land was required to serve in Roman army  Ruling over people:  Granted citizenship on city-states  Remain independent  Provide soldiers and land


12  Began in 264 B.C.  Boarding Bridges  Drop bridges on boats to board other boats  After 23 years of war, Carthage lost  Had to pay a large sum of money and give up Sicily to Rome

13  Began in 218 B.C.  Hannibal-  Foot soldiers, horses, elephants  Romans were no match, but they invaded Africa  Carthage lost  Had to pay huge sum of money, give up most of navy, and colonies in Spain

14  Roman Senate decided to crush Carthage  Carthage was destroyed by 146 B.C.  Rome now held supreme power in Med. Sea

15  Nobles gained a lot more power  Paid little attention to needs of the people  Started to tax people for everything  Soldiers coming home to ruins  People became poor and then dependent on government  Gap between the rich and poor, powerful and powerless began to grow

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