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509 B.C. – A.D. 476 Ancient Rome Cory May.  Central location & Geography – Is it a Benefit?  ~800 B.C. – Latins migrate to Italy, settle in villages.

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Presentation on theme: "509 B.C. – A.D. 476 Ancient Rome Cory May.  Central location & Geography – Is it a Benefit?  ~800 B.C. – Latins migrate to Italy, settle in villages."— Presentation transcript:

1 509 B.C. – A.D. 476 Ancient Rome Cory May

2  Central location & Geography – Is it a Benefit?  ~800 B.C. – Latins migrate to Italy, settle in villages along Tiber River on 7 hills  Legend – Romulus & Remus  Share Italy w/ Etruscans

3  509 B.C. – throw out the Etruscans  Establish a republic – to prevent any individual from too much power  Structure – p. 152  300 patricians  2 consuls (1 term)  Dictator  Ex: Cincinnatus

4  Farmers, merchants, & artisans  Citizens w/ little influence  Gain right to elect tribunes to protect them  Tribunes could veto, or block laws  More involved in Senate over time  450 B.C. – Laws of the 12 Tables inscribed, placed in the Forum  Ability to appeal

5  Family – Basic Unit  Male = absolute power  Women  Own property, run businesses, & support the arts & festivals  Attend public events w/ husbands  Livia & Agrippina  Children  Girls & Boys, rich & poor learn to read & write  Rich Romans hire Greek tutors

6  Developed/Borrowed from Greeks  Jupiter = Zeus  Juno = Hera  Neptune = Poseidon  Mars = Ares  Calendar  Feasts & Celebrations  Inspire a sense of community  Dozens of Temples  Ex: Pantheon

7  ~270 B.C. – Control most of Italy  Success = diplomacy & well-trained army  Legion – 5,000 men each  Stressed loyalty & courage  Rewards & punishments  Just to conquered peoples, maintain customs for loyalty  Outposts, roads link the empire, increase trade

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