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 Speech- You can say what you believe, excludes public “hate speech”.  Press- You can write your opinion about the gov’t. “Slander and Libel” have been.

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Presentation on theme: " Speech- You can say what you believe, excludes public “hate speech”.  Press- You can write your opinion about the gov’t. “Slander and Libel” have been."— Presentation transcript:


2  Speech- You can say what you believe, excludes public “hate speech”.  Press- You can write your opinion about the gov’t. “Slander and Libel” have been limited.

3  Assembly- Gather in a group peacefully. Protests and violence can be broken up.  Tea parties are examples of law-abiding peaceful assemblies.  Petition- Write a protest to the gov’t.  Religion- Gov’t cannot promote nor restrain practice of religion. (This is where the “Under God” part of the Pledge, and 10 commandments being removed from courts have been applied)

4  Citizens may maintain an armed militia. (nat’l guard)  This has been upheld to mean people can carry weapons for over 200 years.  Some places have challenged this ruling where crime rates are higher-Chicago, NY, Wash DC.

5  Ended the practice of British troops staying in colonists homes during the revolution.  No military use of civilian homes without permission or war-time conditions!

6  No “unreasonable” search and seizures.  How does this rule apply to students in school? (Parking lot, locker, purse or bag)  Who decides what is “unreasonable”?  Friends in a car scenario- Who gets arrested?

7  Holding someone w/out charges is illegal.  No Double Jeopardy.  Due Process must take place to obtain private property, administer death penalty, or give jail time.

8  Speedy trial, be informed of charges, confront witnesses, and have a lawyer.  Miranda Rights.  Protects everyone no matter what their income level or status in society.

9  Right to a Jury Trial in Civil Cases.  This is usually found in criminal cases where the defendant can serve prison time or get the death penalty.  Civil Cases are usually disputes between parties, like divorces, business breakups, or suing for damages.

10  Excessive bails are determined by the courts.  Can be situational based on the severity of the crime.  E.g. Murder vs. Theft

11  Rights not mentioned are reserved for the people.

12  State powers are acknowledged and protected by the Constitution.

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