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Learning outcomes By the end of today you will:  Bronze: Will know the meaning of reflection and refraction  Silver: Will be able to draw a ray diagram.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning outcomes By the end of today you will:  Bronze: Will know the meaning of reflection and refraction  Silver: Will be able to draw a ray diagram."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning outcomes By the end of today you will:  Bronze: Will know the meaning of reflection and refraction  Silver: Will be able to draw a ray diagram to show reflection and refraction  Gold: Will be able to explain how reflecting and refracting telescopes work

2  Draw a picture to help you remember these words: planetstarmoon eyecameratelescope solar systemreflectrefract mirror lens Extension: Can you think of other words you can link to some of these from our work in other lessons?

3  1: Write three sentences so that… each one includes one of these words.  2: Write three sentences so that… each one links three keywords together.  3: Write a some sentences that explain how we find out about space using as many of the keywords as possible.

4  A’s, you will need a piece of A4 paper, a pencil and something to rest on. You need to turn and face the back of the room next to the person you are partnered with.  B’s, you will describe the diagram we are about to look at. You can talk to each other as much as you like about what to draw BUT A’s must not look at the drawing!  After 4 minutes, swap roles to draw the other half of the diagram.


6  A’s back to the board  Take the picture  B’s ready to describe


8  Put your drawings on your table.  How does yours compare to others?  Who’s is the best?  How would you improve yours?

9 

10  Face partners, A & B  A to explain to B  How a reflecting telescope works  30 seconds thinking time  1 minute talking time  B to explain to A  How a refracting telescope works  30 seconds thinking time  1 minute talking time

11  How does a refracting telescope work?  How does a reflecting telescope work?  Explain your answer by showing what each part does.

12 1-2 marks  Refracting telescope and light bends  OR  Reflecting telescope and light bounces off 3-4 marks  Refracting telescope and light bends (including where)  AND  Reflecting telescope and light bounces off (including where) 5-6 marks Say which is better and why for objects that are close and objects that are far away

13 Learning outcomes By the end of today you will:  Bronze: Will be able to identify the order of the electromagnetic spectrum  Silver: Will be able to show the uses and dangers of each wave in the spectrum  Gold: Will be able to explain how the potential dangers of the waves changes with the wavelength or frequency

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