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1 Advanced Placement United States History Chapter Three/Four Kennedy/Cohen/Bailey The American Pageant Lecture Outline.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Advanced Placement United States History Chapter Three/Four Kennedy/Cohen/Bailey The American Pageant Lecture Outline."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Advanced Placement United States History Chapter Three/Four Kennedy/Cohen/Bailey The American Pageant Lecture Outline

2 2 Topics: Settling the Northern Colonies New England: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire Era of “Salutary Neglect”

3 3 Topics: Dominion of New England Puritan Lifestyles The Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania

4 4 New England Colonies Massachusetts (including Maine, Plymouth Plantation) Connecticut Rhode Island New Hampshire Colonial Flag sometimes called the Flag of New England

5 5 John Calvin Calvinism/Puritanism John Calvin Presbyterians Huguenots Dutch Reform Church Puritans Martin Luther

6 6 Puritanism Predestination Religious Schism between Anglicans and Puritans English Puritans Church of England

7 7 Henry VIII Elizabeth I Separatists Non-Conformists Henry VIII

8 8 Puritan Churches Meeting House, Rhode Island, 1789 Family Pews Pulpit

9 9 Puritan Churches Puritan Meeting Houses Rhode Island

10 10 Notes: James I (James IV) Stuart Dynasty Plymouth Plantation (Pilgrims) Separatists Mayflower Compact

11 11 Notes: William Bradford Capt. Miles Standish Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1629 Charles I Mass. Charter John Winthrop J. Winthrop

12 12 Notes: Boston, Massachusetts Great Migration 75,000 Puritan Refugees 18,000 Flee to New England 57,000 Flee to British West Indies

13 13 Image of Puritans: 1845 Portrait of Pilgrims

14 14 Image of Puritans: 1640s Portrait of John Winthrop by van Dyke Details of head and hands from earlier version

15 15 Image of Puritans: Mason children of New England, 1670

16 16 Image of Puritans: Elizabeth Wensley of Boston, 1670

17 17 Image of Puritans: Elizabeth Freake & Mary, 1671/74

18 18 Image of Puritans: Lithograph of Arrest of a Salem Witch 1883

19 19 Image of Puritans: 19 th Century Images of Salem Witches 1869 1876 1884

20 20 Religion Among the Puritans Bay Colony – Theocracy or Oligarch? Election Day Sermons Visible “Elect” aka: “Saints” Testimonials Conversions

21 21 Notes: Massachusetts General Court Quakers Congregationalists

22 22 Notes: Rhode Island – Roger Williams Providence, RI Baptist Church R.Williams Introduces Religious Tolerance to Rhode Island… Roger Williams

23 23 The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution, 1644. God requireth not an uniformity of Religion to be inacted and inforced in any civil state… true civility and Christianity may both flourish in a state or Kingdome, notwithstanding the permission of divers and contrary consciences, either of Jew or Gentile. Roger Williams

24 24 Notes: 1644 – Rhode Island receives Charter from Parliament Connecticut River Colony Hartford, 1635 Rev. Thomas Hooker, 1636 New Haven, 1638 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, 1639

25 25 Notes: 1623, Sir Ferdinando Gorges founds Maine 1677, Massachusetts Bay Colony purchases Maine 1679, Charles II grants New Hampshire separate charter as royal colony

26 26 New England Confederation, 1643 Bay Colony, Plymouth Plantation, Connecticut Valley, New Haven Maine and Rhode Island refused admission as heretic colonies

27 27 Dominion of New England, 1686-1689 Governor Sir Edmund Andros Glorious Revolution, 1688-89 William and Mary, House of Orange

28 28 Lifestyles of Puritan New England Puritan Oligarchy “blue laws” Townships Covenants Town Meetings The “elect,” or “visible elect” Testimonials Half-way Covenants, “jeremiads”

29 29 Roots of Democracy in Puritanism Congregationalist form of church government Town Meetings Norman Rockwell’s The Four Freedoms, 1943

30 30 Three-Prong Attack upon Puritanism 1.Social – limited land & overpopulation leads to division of families, and migration 2.Religious – decline of fervor & piety within church membership 3.Political – lost of charters and self-government

31 31 Salem Witchcraft Trials, 1692

32 32 Holland & Sweden in North America 1609 – Dutch East India Company Henry Hudson 1623 – Dutch West India Company

33 33 New Holland - New Amsterdam Dutch Reform Church

34 34 1638 New Sweden Delaware Bay

35 35 Credits: Martin Luther - John Calvin - Stained Glass - Henry VII - Rhode Island Meeting House - bin/ampage?collId=hhphoto&fileName=me/me0000/me0077/photos/browse.db&action=browse&recN um=0&title2=Alna%20Meetinghouse,%20State%20Rt.%20218,%20Alna,%20Lincoln%20County,%20ME &displayType=1&itemLink=D?hh:1:./temp/~ammem_L38d:: bin/ampage?collId=hhphoto&fileName=me/me0000/me0077/photos/browse.db&action=browse&recN um=0&title2=Alna%20Meetinghouse,%20State%20Rt.%20218,%20Alna,%20Lincoln%20County,%20ME &displayType=1&itemLink=D?hh:1:./temp/~ammem_L38d Rhode Island Meeting Houses - bin/ =146718pv.jpg,146718pu.tif&title=HABS,+RI,5-WICK,1-2&displayProfile=0 bin/ =146718pv.jpg,146718pu.tif&title=HABS,+RI,5-WICK,1-2&displayProfile=0 James I - Mayflower - John Winthrop - John Winthrop - Mason children - Elizabeth Wensley - Elizabeth Freake & Mary - html html Witches - Preaching - Rockwell – Town Meeting - Henry Hudson - New Amsterdam - New Sweden -

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