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Presentation on theme: "Garnishes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Garnishes

2 Garnish The word garnish is derived from a French word meaning to adorn or furnish

3 Classical Terms in Modern Kitchens
The following definitions are not the classical ones but the garnish or accompaniment indicated by these terms in the modern kitchen Bouquetière - bouquet of vegetables Printanière - spring vegetables Jardinière - garden vegetables Primeurs - first spring vegetables

4 Garnish Terms (cont’d)
Clamart - peas Crécy - carrots Doria - cucumbers (cooked in butter) Dubarry - cauliflower Fermière - carrots, turnips, onions, and celery, cut in uniform slices Florentine - spinach Forestière - mushrooms Judic - braised lettuce Lyonnaise - onions Niçoise - tomatoes concassé cooked with garlic Paramentier - potatoes Princesse - asparagus Provençal - tomatoes and garlic, parsley, and sometimes mushrooms and/or olives Vichy - carrots

5 Plate Presentation The true test is here! We all know that “the eye eats first” is a well known saying. The creativity and skill that went into the cooking and baking has to be placed on the plate. All great plate presentation takes skill, experience, and style. Presentation is the process of offering the selected foods to guests in a fashion that is visually pleasing.

6 Plate Presentation Balance Height Flavor Color Shapes Textures

7 Plate Presentation

8 Plate Presentation

9 Plate Presentation

10 Plate Presentation

11 Plate Presentation

12 Plate Presentation

13 Fundamentals of Plating
It is said the plate of food is the picture and the rim is the frame, but simple is the way to go. Do not get too carried away. Three essentials of food presentation: Good preparation and cooking techniques Professional work habits Visual sense

14 Recommendations for Plating Attractively
Keep food off the rim of the plate Arrange the items for the convenience of the guest Keep space between the items, unless stacking Maintain unity Make every component, including the garnish, count Use sauce and gravy attractively, and don’t drown every plate in sauce or gravy Keep it simple (KISS)

15 Trends Plate Painting

16 Simple Garnishes

17 Carrots

18 Onions & Leeks

19 Radish Flowers Radish flower Slice a small red radish finely and lay out a flower from rounds. The core can be made from a carrot slice. Make a stalk and leaves from cucumber peel or scallions.

20 Radish Flowers & Bugs

21 Radish Roses Cut off top and bottom tip of radish with paring knife; discard. Set radish upright on cutting board. Cut a thin vertical slice down one side of radish with knife, cutting about three-fourths of the way into radish. Make three or four additional slices down sides of radish, spacing slices evenly around radish. If desired, make a second series of cuts about 1/8 inch inside the first set. Place radish in ice water until it opens slightly. Remove; drain well. Trim with celery leaves, if desired.

22 Radish Roses

23 Strawberry fans Select a medium sized, uniformly shaped strawberry with hull attached. Wash and dry thoroughly. Place the strawberry on cutting board. Cut four or five thin slices with a paring knife lengthwise through the strawberry, leaving slices attached just below the hull. Fan slices apart slightly, being careful to keep all slices attached to hull. Place on plate or food to secure in position.

24 Strawberry Fans

25 Other Garnishes

26 Other Garnishes

27 Other Garnishes

28 Other Garnishes

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