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Experimental Humanities lab: Welcome!. HUME lab  What?  Where? (When?)  Why? Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in.

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Presentation on theme: "Experimental Humanities lab: Welcome!. HUME lab  What?  Where? (When?)  Why? Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experimental Humanities lab: Welcome!

2 HUME lab  What?  Where? (When?)  Why? Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

3 HUME lab  What? Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015  Research infrastructure for experimental research in humanities  Diverse aspects of human existence, cognition and behaviour  Laboratory and field experiments  Interdisciplinarity  Space, equipment, services and support  Learning opportunities (emphasis on learning by doing – hands-on approach)

4 HUME lab  What? Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015  Services and support:  Controlled laboratory setting for experimental research  Hi-tech equipment  Participant recruitment and organization  Expert assistance in experimental designs  Expert assistance and analysis for specialized equipment  Data gathering and analysis  Organization of seminars and training stays  Assistance with ethical approval requirements

5 HUME lab  What? Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015  Learning and community:  Interdisciplinary research projects  Specialised workshops and conferences  Specialised course „Experimental Humanities“ (autumn 2015)  Student projects, research assistance, experiment participation

6 HUME lab  Where? (When?) Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015  Faculty of Arts  Labs: building B2+A  Office: building J→K  Opening: September (2015)

7 HUME lab  Why? Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015  Human culture is a product of human cognition and behaviour (with their specificities)  Experimentally testable hypotheses from humanities  Contextually anchored experimental research

8 HUME lab facilities and equipment  2 (adjustable) lab spaces:  HUME lab I. – behavioural,  HUME lab II. – cognitive Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

9 HUME lab facilities and equipment  P HYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS : Sets of devices for measuring/monitoring diverse physiological reactions, that are used as a proxy for different cognitive, emotional and motivational states and processes  M OTION AND INTERACTION MONITORING : Equipment for monitoring and recording motion and social interaction.  V ISUALIZATION SYSTEM : Equipment for the presentation of psychometric tests and other stimuli. Compatible with the Multifunctional web platform (MWP).  A UDIO SYSTEM : Equipment for the presentation of audio stimuli and for testing the effects of rhythm and synchrony.  D ATA ADMINISTRATION AND STORAGE : A web platform enabling remote-control testing of diverse types of experimental research (psychometric tests, economic games, physiological measures, etc.). Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

10 Physiological measurement devices  Mobile Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) devices  Mobile Clinical Electroencephalograph with psychogalvanometer  Mobile non-invasive continuous Blood pressure Monitors  Digital metabolic Holter  Digital Pressure algometer (pain levels measurement device)  Hormonal levels measurement sets (samplers, centrifuge, freeze storage)  Heartbeat monitors with EKG and GPS Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

11 Mobile Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) – NIRSport (2x) Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

12 Mobile EEG with psychogalvanometer – Brain Products actiChamp Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

13 Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015 Mobile non-invasive continuous Blood pressure Monitors – CNAP

14 Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015 Digital pressure algometer

15 Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015 Hormonal levels measuremet set

16 Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015 Heart rate monitors with EKG and GPS – Zephyr BioHarness

17 Motion and interaction monitoring  Motion capture system  Electroactive polymers  Sociometric badges - monitors of social interaction  Eye-tracking systems (Desktop system, Remote system, mobile eye tracking glasses)  Thermocamera  Videocameras Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

18 Motion Capture System and large format stereoscopic projection

19 Electroactive polymers – Strechsense Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

20 Sociometric badges Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

21 Eye tracking systems  SMI RED250MOBILE (2 pcs)  SMI RED500  Eye tracking - IVIEW X™ HI-SPEED  Eye tracking glasses wireless (2 pcs)  Eye tracking glasses - stereoscopic vision  Eyetracking KIT for Headmounteddisplays: virtual reality Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

22 SMI RED250MOBILE (2 pcs) Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

23 SMI RED500 Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

24 Eyetracking - IVIEW X™ HI-SPEED Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

25 Eye tracking glasses 2 (2pcs) Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

26 Eye tracking glasses: VR stereoscopic vision Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

27 Virtual Reality HMD with Eye tracking KIT and omnidirectional treadmill Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

28 Thermocamera Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

29 Visualization system  Stereoscopic 3D projection and augmented reality system  Set of PCs (3D and normal)  Set of tablets  Systems for 2D projection and viewing Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

30 Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015 Stereoscopic 3D technology and augmented reality  Stereoscopic 3D PC displays and sets  Head mounted display – Oculus rift DK2  Augmented Reality glasses  Active large format 3D projection

31 Augmented Reality glasses Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

32 Data administration and storage  Web-based platform Hypothesis  Data storage servers  Specialised experiment design, data collection and analysis software Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

33 Web-based platform Hypothesis Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015

34 Advisory board Annual symposium on Applying of principles of cognitive psychology in practice, APCPP Brno May 21-22, 2015 Čeněk Šašinka Roman Švaříček Jiří Rambousek Radek Kundt Director Eva Kundtová-Klocová

35 Thank you v Experimentalhumanitieslab

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