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Presentation on theme: "LOS SENTIMIENTOS Y LAS EMOCIONES (Feelings and emotions)"— Presentation transcript:

1 LOS SENTIMIENTOS Y LAS EMOCIONES (Feelings and emotions)

2 Use estar to express feelings, and emotions
Use estar to express feelings, and emotions. Remember that estar usually describes temporary conditions. Estar expresses how someone feels or is at one moment. It does not express lasting conditions like hair or eye color.

3 Ejemplos Estoy aburrido (I am bored) Estás cansado (You are tired) Ella está contenta (she is happy) Estamos asustados (we are frightened) Están enfadadas (they are angry)

4 Vocabulary Aburrido(a) (bored) Abrumado(a) (overwhelmed)
Acelerado(a) (hyper) Agotado(a) (exhausted) Asustado(a) (frightened) Ansioso(a) (anxious) Avergonzado(a) (ashamed)

5 More vocabulary Agradecido(a) (grateful, thankful) Alegre (cheerful, happy, glad) Apenado(a) (ashamed) Asqueado(a) (disgusted) Cansado(a) (tired) Cauteloso(a) (cautious) Celoso(a) (jealous)

6 ¿Cómo estás? (how are you?) ¿Cómo te sientes? (how do you feel?)
Confundido(a) (confused) Cómodo(a) (comfortable) Contento(a) (content, happy, pleased) Confiado(a) (confident) Culpable (guilty) Decepcionado(a) (disappointed) Deprimido(a) (depressed) Descontento(a) (dissatisfied, unhappy)

7 vocabulary Disgustado(a) (displeased) Emocionado(a) (excited, thrilled) Enamorado(a) (in love) Enfermo(a) (sick) Enfadado(a) (angry, annoyed) Enojado(a) (angry) Enfurecido(a) (furious,enraged) Entusiasmado(a) (excited) Extático(a) (ecstatic) Esperanzado(a) (hopeful)

8 Estoy… I am… Me siento… I feel…
Feliz (happy) Frustrado(a) (frustrated) Furioso(a) (furious) Harto(a) (fed up, tired of something) Histérico(a) (hysterical) Horrorizado(a) (horrified, appalled) Incómodo(a) (uncomfortable) Indiferente (indifferent) Inquieto(a) (restless,anxious)

9 Vocabulary Malhumorado(a) (grouchy, cranky) Malicioso(a) (mischievous) Molesto(a) (bothered, upset) Nervioso(a) (nervous) Orgulloso(a) (proud) Pasmado(a) (shocked) Perdido(a) (lost) Preocupado(a) (worried) Raro(a) (strange,odd)

10 Vocabulary Satisfecho(a) (satisfied) Serio(a) (serious) Solitario(a) (lonely) Sorpendido(a) (surprised) Sospechoso(a) (suspicious) Tenso(a) (tense, stressed) Triste (sad)

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