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Report on the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Report on the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Research and Systematic Observation Agenda Item 5(b) (UNEP/OzL.Conv.9/5)

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Presentation on theme: "Report on the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Report on the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Research and Systematic Observation Agenda Item 5(b) (UNEP/OzL.Conv.9/5)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Report on the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Report on the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Research and Systematic Observation Agenda Item 5(b) (UNEP/OzL.Conv.9/5)

2 Establishment of the Trust Fund Decision VI/2 (COP6, Rome, November 2002) “Ozone-related monitoring and research activities for the Vienna Convention” Paragraph 2 To request UNEP/WMO to establish a fund for research and systematic observations in developing countries and CEIT 1

3 Decision VI/2 (cont ’ d) Para 3 Urges voluntary contributions Para 4 Defines the aim of the fund: ·support maintenance/calibration of the existing WMO GAW stations to address balanced global coverage ·possibly support other activities identified by the ORM for improving observation network and relevant research Para 5 Secretariat/WMO to inform Parties of institutional arrangements and to provide an annual report 2

4 3 Decision VI/2 (cont ’ d) Paragraph 8 To request the WMO /UNEP to draw to the attention of the Parties opportunities for meeting common objectives among conventions, in particular the UNFCCC

5 4 Operation of the Trust Fund The Trust Fund established in Feb 2003 – Extended to 31 Dec 2015 as requested in dec VII/2(2) Terms of Reference for the Fund MOU was concluded between UNEP Oz Sec and WMO in Sep 2005, approved by the Parties at COP7 in Dec 2005 – Maintenance and Calibration projects for GAW stations – Research and Monitoring projects Annual invitation to contribute Implementation of activities continues

6 5 Status of Contributions The total funds received to date (as of 13 July 2011) since the Trust Fund was established in 2003 US$ 259,054 Czech Rep, Estonia, Finland, France, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, and UK In-kind contributions have also been received in conjunction with the activities implemented under the Trust Fund

7 6 Activities and Expenditures Dobson Inter-Calibration Workshop, Egypt, March 2004: US$15,000 Brewer Calibration in Nepal and Indonesia, Sept 2006: US$16,100 Intercomparison exercise for all African Dobson instruments, S. Africa, Oct 2009: US$66,000 Dobson Data Quality Workshop, Czech Republic, Feb 2011: US$58,500

8 Dobson Intercomparison Irene, South Africa, Oct and Nov 2009 Goals were to: Evaluate each instrument calibration Repair, clean and improve the instrument as needed Redefine new calibration levels for the future measurements Returning the instruments back to the home station in good operating order 7

9 Results: Overall, the objectives of the intercomparison were met satisfactorily. There were 9 participating instruments. All were well calibrated and put in good operational condition, except for D057 from Mahe, which may need better expert attention. One of the instruments (Dobson from Cairo) was calibrated in Germany in May 2010. Plans are under way to attend to the Dobson from Tamanrasset, Algeria 8

10 Some photos from the Irene intercomparison 9

11 Dobson Data Quality Workshop Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, Feb 14-18, 2011 The main goals of the workshop were: To bring together managers of the archived data sets from the Dobson stations and provide guidance on how to reevaluate and reprocess important past data. To collect the primary Dobson data sets and calibration metadata from the stations to be archived in the World Ozone and UV-radiation Data Centre (WOUDC). To present the actual scientific themes and results on operation of the Dobson instruments and data quality assurance at the stations. 10

12 Results Workshop was attended by 34 participants from 51 Dobson stations representing some 70% of active Dobson stations A unified template of the information held by the individual stations was developed for circulation to all stations The participants learned about problems with the earlier data, and methods for reprocessing data. More information on the workshop can be found here: and in the report from the 8 th ORM (pages 6-7). 11

13 12 Participants at the workshop in Hradec Králové Participants at the workshop in Hradec Králové

14 13 Training of Dobson operators in Hradec Králové Training of Dobson operators in Hradec Králové

15 Planned Activities Remaining balance: US$ 103,454 Brewer calibration and associated training for several stations world-wide (including South America) during 2012 and 2013 Intercomparison Exercise involving all Dobson instruments in Africa (follow up to the Irene Workshop of 2009), in Oct 2013 National project proposals 6 countries submitted national proposals Due to limited funds, not yet possible to consider 14

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