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SWG-ARD / Vientiane / July 11, 2013 SWG-ARD Meeting July 11, 2013 Secretariat’s presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "SWG-ARD / Vientiane / July 11, 2013 SWG-ARD Meeting July 11, 2013 Secretariat’s presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWG-ARD / Vientiane / July 11, 2013 SWG-ARD Meeting July 11, 2013 Secretariat’s presentation

2 Content SWG-ARD / Vientiane / July 11, 2013 Update on the SWG-ARD Structure Activities - Announcements Way forward – Highlights until the RTM Annual report – contribution to the 2013 RTM Background document

3 SWG-ARD, structure – July 2013 SWG-ARD / Vientiane / July 11, 2013

4 SSWG on Agro biodiversity (SSWG-ABD) SWG-ARD / Vientiane / July 11, 2013 Structure Chair: MAF, DoPCRepresented by Mr. Savanh Hanephom, DDG Co-Chair:SDCRepresented by Mme Liliane Ortega, Deputy Director Secretariat:TABIRepresented by Mr. Christopher Flint, TA Members:Government Agencies, Development partners, CSO (INGOs, NPA), Private sector… Objectives Focus on policy aspects regarding the conservation and sustainable use of agro-biodiversity & the benefit sharing in the context of the implementation of the Agriculture Strategy 2011-2020.  To provide a platform for technical discussion about the socio-economic importance and potential of agro- biodiversity for food and nutrition security, traditional and commercial agriculture and value chains in Lao PDR.  To facilitate a process of capitalization of experience, review of lessons learned in recent years regarding ABD and, based on this, to identify and recommend policies and processes for promoting the development of ABD- based livelihoods in a way that will empower smallholders and support sustainable local economic development.  To define capacity building priorities and propose mechanisms and instruments with the aim to foster more investments, public and private, to support this capacity building processes in the field of agro-biodiversity. ToR finalized in June 2013 after a consultation of all SWG-ARD members 1 st meeting: planned on the 2 nd week of September 2013 - All interested members, institutions and sectors will receive an official invitation

5 SWG-ARD secretariat, Announcement / Activities SWG-ARD / Vientiane / July 11, 2013 Achieved (not exhaustive – does not include all activities of the SSWG)  The SWG-ARD provided comments on the draft mid term review of the 7 th NSEDP. The final doc is submitted to the NA this week. All SWGs (including ARD) will most probably be requested to draft action plans addressing issues and recommendations relevant to each sector (before the RTM).  The SWG-ARD actively participated to the RTM Provincial Consultation (Focus on Food and Nutrition Security) - Presentation later during the meeting  The SWG-ARD secretariat and the MPI joined a Workshop of Farmer Organizations organized by the SSWG-Agribusiness - Presentation later during the meeting Pending  Report on slash and burn cultivation (2012) - Waiting for Government’s comment before revision and diffusion  PRC (Policy Think Tank) Study on Food and Nutrition Security - Waiting for the LSIS data for finalization and diffusion Planned  Next SWG-ARD Meeting: Mid/End September (date to be confirmed)  Each SSWG will meet once before the RTM (Early/Mid September)  Establish a working group / task force on tax boarder issues and contract farming  Plan other provincial consultations to be organized by the SWG-ARD in 2013-2014  Compile data, write and submit the SWG-ARD annual report to the MPI (RTM)

6 SWG-ARD Annual Report and RTM preparation SWG-ARD / Vientiane / July 11, 2013  RTM – November 6, 2013  The RTM background document will formulate / report on:  SWGs activities and achievements  Strategic interventions still to be implemented within the 7 th NSEDP, focus on off-track MDGs  Key issues for consideration in the 8 th NSEDP and outcome oriented process for its preparation  SWG-ARD annual report should be submitted to the MPI by mid August 2013  In order for the SWG-ARD Secretariat to prepare the background document, each SSWG is requested to provide a report according to the template shared by the 2 nd of Aug. including:  Most recent publications or updated reports showing recent statistics and data on their sector/sub sector development, for example: executive snap shot report to the National Assembly  Sectorial development strategy outlining key priorities and list of programs/projects as they have been embodied in the Strategy and annual NSEDP and financial requirements/costing by yearly basis  Any documents that SSWGs or members consider relevant and useful for this purpose  Other SWG-ARD members (From Government, CSO, private sector…) are most welcome to share some report / ideas / data that they would like to specify in the annual report  Preparation of the Development Cooperation' exhibition (all members are invited to join): showcase performance, outputs and development status in Lao PDR

7 Thank you Contacts Secretariat SWG-ARD mail:Shared MAF-DIC Mail:Shared SWG-ARD Web site: Secretariat focal person : Ms.Khekthone Chommanyvong Secr. SWG-ARD TA:Mr. Solal Secr. SSWG Uplands:Mr. Khamsone Secr. SSWG Agri-Business.: Mr. Rakesh Secr. SSWG Agrobiodiversity :Mr Christopher Policy Think Tank:Mr Khamphou SWG-ARD / Vientiane / July 11, 2013

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