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New Zealand Federation for Deaf Children IEP TIPS FOR PARENTS Individual Education Plan 1.

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Presentation on theme: "New Zealand Federation for Deaf Children IEP TIPS FOR PARENTS Individual Education Plan 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Zealand Federation for Deaf Children IEP TIPS FOR PARENTS Individual Education Plan 1

2 New Zealand Federation for Deaf Children What is an IEP? An IEP is a written plan that sets out the student’s goals for each set period at school. identifies teaching strategies, resources and support needed from the people around the student to help them achieve these goals. is a living document that should reflect the student’s changing needs and be monitored and reviewed regularly. 2November 2015IEP tips for parents

3 New Zealand Federation for Deaf Children Tips for parents when discussing the IEP Consider the school environment from your child’s perspective. They may have priorities that you may not see. Be your child’s voice – champion them and their needs. Consider their successes and challenges. Make a list of things you might want to talk about before the IEP meeting, and if needs be, read these aloud. Tick off what has been addressed, and come back to what hasn’t. Gather any information before hand that might be useful for the discussion, e.g. Reports from SLT’s, school reports, or even a paragraph from the child themselves. Include family and whanau. You are entitled to take a support person with you if you wish. 3November 2015IEP tips for parents

4 New Zealand Federation for Deaf Children Before the IEP meeting Specify who you want to be there – it is the school’s responsibility to organise a time and place, and to ensure the professionals are there. You will need to organise your own family and support person Tell the school who you are bringing and find out who they will have at the meeting Ask for a preferred time and place – what suits your child, you and your whanau best Ask for copies of previous reports and previous IEPs Note – an IEP does not replace a school report – you should receive this as well 4November 2015IEP tips for parents

5 New Zealand Federation for Deaf Children At the IEP meeting If you hear jargon or any terms you don’t understand, ask for clarification. If you don’t feel confident doing that, then perhaps a support person could do so for you. Ensure you have a chance to speak and express your wants and needs for your child. Your input is part of an IEP, and do not let anyone tell you differently. You have as much right, if not more, to ensure that your point is understood. If an interpreter is not there and is required, do not continue with the meeting. Postpone it until one is available. Do not agree to something if you are unsure about it or not happy with it. Remember this is your child’s education, and you and they must be happy with the direction. 5November 2015IEP tips for parents

6 New Zealand Federation for Deaf Children What should be in an IEP? A long term goal or vision – where are we going and how are we going to get there? Specialist services and support and how these will fit in to the classroom programme Other resources, materials and any extra specialised equipment or technology needed The role of each person including parents and whanau in supporting the child Ways to check on the progress of the child including progress outside the classroom An Agreed review date for the IEP 6November 2015IEP tips for parents

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