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Home Economics Keywords. Year 8 Physical needs – these are the basic requirements that we need to stay alive and healthy, such as food, water and warmth.

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Presentation on theme: "Home Economics Keywords. Year 8 Physical needs – these are the basic requirements that we need to stay alive and healthy, such as food, water and warmth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Home Economics Keywords

2 Year 8 Physical needs – these are the basic requirements that we need to stay alive and healthy, such as food, water and warmth.

3 Social needs – our need to be in contact with others, to form relationships and to be socially accepted can be met through friendships, hobbies and through showing consideration to others.

4 Year 9 Consumer – a person who uses or buys a product or service.

5 Service – something that consumers can pay for in order to help them in some way. e.g. hairdressing or a taxi service.

6 Year 10 Budgeting – planning to make the best use of your money.

7 Nutrition – understanding what is in our food and how our body uses it.

8 GCSE Hospitality Accompaniment – items offered separately to the main dish e.g. tossed salad.

9 Beverage – a drink (alcoholic or non- alcoholic) which is served in a hotel or restaurant e.g. a coffee or a glass of wine.

10 GCSE Health and Social Care Self-concept - describes the way we see and think about ourselves, not only our physical appearance but also the understanding of what type we are.

11 Self-esteem – describes how we value ourselves, a judgement which evaluates ourselves in relation to our own and others’ expectations.

12 A Level – Health and Social Care Service User –a client who avails of health and social care services e.g. a child in a nursery or an older person in a residential home.

13 Discrimination – what a person does- how they treat another person or group unfairly based on their prejudice.


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