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Matteus 13: Sower – allow Jesus into your heart Wheat and tares – you are sown to make a difference, when you have Jesus evil will still exist Mustard.

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Presentation on theme: "Matteus 13: Sower – allow Jesus into your heart Wheat and tares – you are sown to make a difference, when you have Jesus evil will still exist Mustard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matteus 13: Sower – allow Jesus into your heart Wheat and tares – you are sown to make a difference, when you have Jesus evil will still exist Mustard – how can I make a difference? Start small Treasure and Pearls – remember it’s all about Jesus.

2 Darius, King of Persia, sent Alexander a bag of sesame seeds, meant to suggest the number of Darius’ troops. Alexander, in return, sent Darius a bag of mustard seeds, not only more numerous because of their smaller size, but also more potent and fiery than sesame.

3 With its pungent taste and fiery effect, mustard is extremely beneficial for the health. It grows entirely wild, though it is improved by being transplanted: but on the other hand, when it has once been sown, it is scarcely possible to get the place free of it, as the seed when it falls germinates at once. ( Pliny 23-79 C.E, "Natural History" 19.170-171; Rackham et al. 5.528-529 )

4 In the land of Israel, the tiny mustard seed is about the size of a grain of salt. It grows into a respectable size shrub. Certainly birds are able to find rest upon its branches. Moreover, the mustard seed is noted for its ability to take root in rocky, difficult-to-cultivate soil. The seed will grow in between the stones of a building or on a rocky mountainside. The natural growth process of the plant and its roots will literally move huge stones as it grows. The simplicity of the parable helps in creating the deep and powerful mental image which the growth process of the tiny mustard seed conjures. Brad Young, Jesus the Jewish Theologian

5 Mustard Seed Not Cedars of Lebanon Jews prohibited to plant it in their gardens Hot, spicy taste Like Vicks for your chest Cedar’s have eagles, mustard seeds have normal birds


7 Leaven Only place where leaven’s used positively Women plays the main role, would have shocked Jesus’ audience She hides it …. They expect unleavened, man, openly

8 The parable calls into question ready attempts to predict on the basis of our knowledge of the holy and good where the kingdom is active. Instead it insists on the kingdom's freedom to appear under its own disguise … Brandon Scott

9 Treasure and Pearl The treasure is found by accident The pearl is sought after Both elicit a total commitment out of JOY Don’t focus on the ethics of the man …

10 For a little reward men make a long journey; for eternal life many will scarce lift a foot once from the ground. Thomas a Kempis in The Imitation of Christ

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