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A Moving-Objects Datablade Ouri Wolfson University of Illinois, Chicago

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1 A Moving-Objects Datablade Ouri Wolfson University of Illinois, Chicago

2 Sources of Location-information GPS triangulation (satellites, indoors-sonar) Sensors – e.g. toll booth that detects card in windshield. Triangulation in cellular architecture Cell-id Bluetooth (proximity positioning) Car navigation system, calendar system Scene analysis (camera location + shape/size/direction of object ==> object location) Location information varies in accuracy, reliability, precision, predictability.

3 Moving Objects Database Technology Query/trigger examples: During the past year, how many times was bus#5 late by more than 10 minutes at station 20, or at some station (past query) Send me message when helicopter in a given geographic area (trigger) Trucks that will reach destination within 20 minutes (future query) Taxi cabs within 1 mile of here (present query) Make my PalmPilot geographically “context aware” GPS Wireless link

4 Applications-- Summary Resource discovery-- e.g. “Closest gas station” Digital Battlefield Transportation ( taxi, courier, emergency response, municipal transportation ) Supply Chain Management, logistics Context-awareness, augmented-reality Location- or Mobile-Ecommerce and Marketing Air traffic control ( Mobile workforce management Currently built in an ad hoc fashion

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