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Data GridFTP WG  To develop a fast, secure, efficient transport mechanism for Grid applications  Bill

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Presentation on theme: "Data GridFTP WG  To develop a fast, secure, efficient transport mechanism for Grid applications  Bill"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data GridFTP WG  To develop a fast, secure, efficient transport mechanism for Grid applications  Bill Allcock,( Data Replication RG  This Group explores issues related to management of replicated terabyte- and petabyte-sized data sets in grid computing environments  Ann Chervenak ( Persistent Archives RG  The development of an architecture for the construction of persistent archives which are conceptually equivalent to virtual data.  Reagan Moore (, Richard Marciano ( Grid High Performance Network RG  To provide a focus for bridging Grid and Network research sectors  Jon Crowcroft ( Bruce Lowekamp ( Area Directors: Peter Clarke (, Satoshi Sekiguchi (

2 Information Systems & Performance GIS-WG  Three activities of the original GIS Working Group are under evaluation toward creating one or more new GIS working groups.  Grid Object Specification (GOS) Provide simple mechanisms for describing Grid entities  Grid Notification Framework (GNF) Provide generic notification framework for propagation of state data about Grid entities  Metacomputing Directory Services (MDS) Specification for MDS  Gregor von Laszewski (  Michael Helm ( Relational Database Information Services (RDIS-RG)  Explore approaches to static and dynamic Grid information based on a relational data model.  Peter A. Dinda (  Beth A. Plale (  Steve Fisher ( Area Directors: Ian Baird (, Domenico Laforenza (

3 Information Systems & Performance Grid Monitoring Architecture (GMA-WG)  High-level architecture, components, and interfaces for interoperability of Grid monitoring systems  Warren Smith (  Dan Gunter ( Discovery & Monitoring Event Description (DAMED-WG)  Define basic set of event descriptions with shared vocabulary  Jennifer Schopf (  James Magowan (  Dan Gunter ( Network Measurements (NM-WG)  Identify and characterize metrics useful to grid applications and middleware; develop standard metrics  Bruce Lowekamp (  Brian Tierney ( Proposed: Grid Benchmarking (GB-RG)  Produce standard framework for specifying benchmarks and a set of prototype benchmark definitions  Rob Van der Wijngaart (  Michael Frumkin (

4 Scheduling and Resource Management Area Distributed Resource Mgmt Application API WG  Develop an API spec. for the submission of jobs  J. Tollesfrud (  Hrabri Rajic ( Scheduling Attributes WG  Define attributes to describe schedulers  Uwe.Schwiegelshohn ( Scheduler Dictionary WG  Define standard for common terms  Wolfgang Ziegler ( Grid Resource Management Protocol (proposed) WG  Define standard protocol for advance reservations of CPU and network resources  Jon MacLaren (  Volker Sander (  Wolfgang Ziegler ( Area Directors: Jennifer Schopf ( Bill Nitzberg (

5 GGF Security Area GridCP WG  Develop a Certificate Policy (CP) to promote and facilitate interoperable Grid PKIs  Randy Butler (  Tony Genovese ( GSI WG  Promote and further develop GSI as underlying security fabric of Grids  Von Welch ( GGF4 Kerberos BOF (Proposed RG) Area Directors: Marty Humphrey ( Steve Tuecke (

6 Applications, Programming and Models Area Applications and Test Beds  Bridge between application community and developers / directors of grid policies, standards and infrastructures.  Ed Seidel (eseidel@aei-, Tom Hinke ( Grid User Services  Foster common understanding of user and support staff requirements in a grid environment; venue for sharing resources; facilitates communication for grid activities between users, support staff, and developers.  John Towns ( Grid Computing Environments  Contribute to the coherence and interoperability of frameworks, portals, PSE's, and other Grid- based computing environments by exploring where standards to integrate technology implementations and solutions.  Geoffrey Fox (, Mary Thomas, (, Dennis Gannon, ( Area Directors: Jarek Nabrzyski (, Satoshi Matsuoka (

7 Applications, Programming and Models Area Applications and Test Beds  Exploring human-centered techniques and technologies for facilitating interactive, collaborative, and immersive access of Grid resources from any where and at any time.  Rick Stevens (, Jason Leigh (, Mike Papka ( ( Grid Advanced Programming Models  Identify and investigate programming methodologies that support the effective development of algorithms that perform well in grid environments.  Thierry Priol (, David Bader (, Craig A. Lee (

8 Architecture Area Grid Protocol Architecture RG  provide a conceptual framework for discussing the interrelationships, completeness, and minimality of the protocol approach to Grid services  William Johnston, Ian Foster, Reagan Moore Accounting Models RG  Identify needed account and accounting information, determine the needed mechanisms to pass this in formation  Bill Thigpen, Tom Hacker Open Grid Service Infrastructure WG  review and refine the Grid Service Specification and other documents that derive from this specification, including Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) infrastructure-related technical specifications and supporting informational documents  Jeff Frey,, Steve Tuecke, Open Source Software WG  Examine approaches and models for open source software licensing  Mary Spada,

9 Architecture Area Service Management Frameworks Research Group  address the technical issues and management concerns in the emerging ‘Service Oriented Grid Computing’ research community related to dynamism, discovery and federation, autonomous composition of services  Vladimir Getov,, Omer Rana,, Eric Sharakan,  In transition from “Jini” WG to SMF RG) New Productivity Initiative Working Group  define the interoperability standards that allow effective multi-vendor cluster and Grid distributed resource management solutions  Darren Pulsipher darrenp@cadencedarrenp@cadence

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