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Dana Cartwright Senior Project – 2008 jsMath Interactive Equation Editor.

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Presentation on theme: "Dana Cartwright Senior Project – 2008 jsMath Interactive Equation Editor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dana Cartwright Senior Project – 2008 jsMath Interactive Equation Editor

2 Typesetting Mathematics We can't simply type mathematics We want to be able to quickly and easily type out mathematics like this:

3 Problems with Current Editors Most are text entry with parallel display  Lots of parentheses and braces (hard to type)‏  Hard to decipher where to edit the text to achieve something in the finished equation Vs.

4 Design - Goals for a new Editor Easier for new users to learn Maintain or improve upon efficiency for advanced users Edit-in-place design for easier manipulation

5 Design – Editor Features Implemented  Edit-in-place  Up/Down arrow support  Mouse cursor placement  Keyboard and mouse selection Desired  Palette drag-and- drop insertion  Import and export features for cross- compatibility

6 jsMath Editor Web-based editor (written in Javascript)  Uses the jsMath package for browser display Suitable for embedding in AJAX web apps. Modified TeX XHTML & CSS EditorjsMath Browser Javascript Events (User Input)

7 jsMath Syntax Comparison jsMath: TeX: Open Office:

8 Mouse Positioning How do we determine where the user wanted the cursor from an (x,y) mouse position?  Relative-to-child based solution:

9 Up/Down Arrows Up/Down arrows can be ambiguous Can we make all cursor movement “faster”?

10 Human Interface Test With a preliminary HCI test we are determining the relative effectiveness of our features, including:  Up and Down arrows for cursor movement Fast Cursoring  Mouse vs. Keyboard use Placing the Cursor Creating selections

11 Preliminary HCI Results Fast Cursoring is a mixed bag Mouse selection needs a few specific improvements Further analysis to come...

12 Future Work Improve and re-work editor based upon HCI test results Implement a mouse palette with drag-and- drop insertion Create a framework for import and export modules

13 Questions?

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