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Wonders of Canada A reflection of our Canadian Identity By: The lovely students of 8-1-2-4 Date: June 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Wonders of Canada A reflection of our Canadian Identity By: The lovely students of 8-1-2-4 Date: June 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wonders of Canada A reflection of our Canadian Identity By: The lovely students of 8-1-2-4 Date: June 2008

2 Rocky Mountain Paste your image here. T a source (eg : le site web) It is apart of our Canadian identité because we are as strong as that mountin. Samantha mason Yuming Nichols

3 Canadian winter a source (eg : le site web) A canadain winter caputers what Canada is all about, it capturers what canada is all about because of it’s beautiful landscape that it reflect on the people as well. Samantha mason Yuming Nichols

4 Bryan Adams T source (eg : le site web) Bryan Adamsis a global figure to canadian sociaty because of his contributuions to the world. He has attended many benifit concerts such as for: AIDS Global warming Africa And he reflacts canada’s generocity through himself. Your full name

5 Halifax Canadian community T source (eg : le site web) The wonder of halifax is it captures the essence of one of canada’s oldest city. Your full name

6 Canada in world war two Historic canadian event T a source (eg : le site web) Canada in world war two demonstrates canada’s courage and contributions to it’s king and country. Your full name

7 Sir John A Mcdonald Citizens and Government of Canada a source (eg : le site web) Sir John A Mcdonald was the first priminister of Canada and he was one of the confederation fathers of Canada. Your full name

8 George Canyon Your Choice! T source (eg : le site web) He is a wonder to canada becasue his music influences young Canadian figures to sing and to do well in life. Your full name

9 The Rocky Mountains The Rockies should be one of Canada's wonders because, they some of the biggest and youngest mountains in Canada.

10 Peggys cove!! Landform feature of Canada. T a source (eg : le site web) I like to visit Peggy's cove because it is a peaceful place to go. I enjoy going there with my family. One of my favourite parts about it is going to the gift shop and eating from the restaurant at Peggy's cove. Alisha marie Hopkins Mitchell 8-4 mrs.decoste

11 British columbie!!! Climate feature of Canada Paste your image here. a source (eg : le site web) I chose to do british columbie becasue last year i went there. I went there with a family memeber. But every single day it had rained there. And when it rained It flooded the roads Bad. So we always had to get off them and go some where else. Alisha marie hopkins mitchell 8-4 mrs.decoste

12 Avril lavigne!!!! People (or person) of Canada Avril lavigne was born in canada. I sometimes like her music but other times i don’t. becasue i think it is to punk for me. But overall i think she is a very good singer. Espically for her song ( girlfriend ) Alisha marie Hopkins Mitchell

13 canadian rockies Landform feature of Canada Paste your image here. T a source (eg : le site web) Because most mountains are in canada. Jonathan Brian Lichty

14 snow Climate feature of Canada a source (eg : le site web) Snow is white. Jonathan Brian lichty

15 Peggy’s Cove a source (eg : le site web) People come from all over the world see all of the rocks in Peggy’s cove. Some provinces don’t even have big rocks like these. This would be amazing to them. They also learn about the history of Peggy’s Cove.

16 Lytton In the summer, Lytton is usually the hottest place in Canada. The temperature can reach up to 104 F!

17 Sydney Crosby Sydney Crosby lives in Sackville, Nova Scotia. He is the captain of the Pittsburgh penguins in the NHL.

18 Antigonish Antigonish is STFX. It holds the highland games every summer. Has great beaches.

19 Halifax Explosion This event happened on December 6, 1917. It’s the biggest man made explosion that the world has ever seen. More than a two thousand people died and more than nine thousand seriuosly injured.

20 Health Care Canadian health care is great because it is all piad intaxes and not in your own money.

21 Hopewell Rock The tide comes in at amazing speeds.

22 Bravo! Thank you for your hard work and positive attitude! From: Mme Stone

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