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1. Introduction to the United States of America Learning Intentions (Pupils should be able to): 1.Briefly describe the geography and history of the United.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Introduction to the United States of America Learning Intentions (Pupils should be able to): 1.Briefly describe the geography and history of the United."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Introduction to the United States of America Learning Intentions (Pupils should be able to): 1.Briefly describe the geography and history of the United States. 2.Explain that the United States is a multicultural society with many different people. 3.Explain what is meant by the ‘American Dream’.

2 Introduction to the United States of America Geography The USA is the fourth largest country in the world with mountains, desert and sub-tropical environments. The USA stretches from Canada in the north to Mexico in the south. From New York to LA, is 2,500 miles. The USA has four time zones.

3 History The USA’s history has been dominated by immigration. The Native Americans (wrongly called ‘Indians’) make up only one percent of the US population. European/White settlers were the first to arrive in the USA spreading from the East across the continent to the West in their millions. African Americans were also early to arrive in the US. More recently immigrants from Mexico/Central America and Asia have been arriving in millions. In 2008, 1m people were added to the US population. Introduction to the United States of America

4 The Multicultural USA Population The USA has attracted people from all over the world. The US population numbers around 305m and is rising rapidly. Most Americans, 67%, are White (198m). The biggest ethnic minority group of Americans are Hispanics or Latinos (Spanish speaking) around 15% (45m people). The third largest group of Americans are African or Black Americans with 12% of US population (36m). There are around 15m Asian and Pacific Islander Americans (5%) of the US population. Only 1% of the US population are Native Americans.

5 Introduction to the United States of America The American Dream The American Dream is the idea than any US citizens can become successful regardless of their background. The American Dream has two parts: Americans believe the rights and freedoms they are guaranteed under the US Constitution benefits them. These rights include the right to free speech and the right to freely elect their representatives and government. The American Dream also includes the idea that any American can become rich if they get an education, work hard and develop their skills. Some of the richest people in the world are American. The US is a capitalist country where wealth is mostly created and owned by individuals.

6 Introduction to the United States of America Questions 1.“The USA is a huge country where immigration has played an important role.” Shannon Gordon. Provide two pieces of information to support the view of Shannon Gordon. 2. “The USA is a multicultural society.” Graeme Stewart. Provide four pieces of evidence to support the view of Graeme Stewart. 3. Explain what is meant by the American Dream. Make two points. Reading: Pulse: “International Issues” pages 37-39 and Leckie and Leckie: ‘Course Notes’ pages 219&222. Name the famous Americans on this page.

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