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Professional Responsibilities: Building Collaborative Relationships to Impact Student Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Responsibilities: Building Collaborative Relationships to Impact Student Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Responsibilities: Building Collaborative Relationships to Impact Student Learning


3 Essential Questions How does collaboration promote student achievement?How does collaboration promote student achievement? How can we develop models of collaboration that build upon strengths of existing personnel?How can we develop models of collaboration that build upon strengths of existing personnel? How do we use paraprofessionals and related support services in collaborative models?How do we use paraprofessionals and related support services in collaborative models?

4 Analysis of Class Profiles Activity Open your Important Book to the centerfoldOpen your Important Book to the centerfold Respond individually to the first 2 prompts as you examine the data on the next slideRespond individually to the first 2 prompts as you examine the data on the next slide

5 NameEthGender Rdg CRCT Math CRCT AmirMRM281375 AndrewWM300350 SidneyBF337281 AudieWF285250 MalcolmBM343290 SueAF300375 JoseHM443300 NicoleWF255300 DericoHM375275


7 Collaboration: WHY NOW? The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act is based on the idea all children can achieve.The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act is based on the idea all children can achieve. Georgia has set a state goal that 90% of students with disabilities will be educated in regular classrooms 80% of the timeGeorgia has set a state goal that 90% of students with disabilities will be educated in regular classrooms 80% of the time 30 years of research indicates the more students are pulled out of the regular curriculum the further behind they get as measured on benchmark assessments30 years of research indicates the more students are pulled out of the regular curriculum the further behind they get as measured on benchmark assessments

8 General Education Consultation Supportive Instruction CollaborationCo-Teaching Small group Student with a disability is served in the general education classroom without support Student with disability receives at least 1 segment per month of direct service Student with disability receives service from personnel OTHER than a certified teacher; para Student with disability receives service for a partial segment Student with disability receives service for a full segment Student with disability receives service for a full segment in a separate setting Service is provided by a general education teacher Service is provided by a special education teacher and general education teacher Service is provided by a para, interpreter and general education teacher Service is provided by a special education teacher and general education teacher Service is provided by a special education teacher Service is provided in the general education classroom Service is provided in the special education classroom Models of Service

9 General Education Student with a disability is served in the general education classroom without supportStudent with a disability is served in the general education classroom without support Service is provided by a general education teacherService is provided by a general education teacher Service is provided in the general education classroomService is provided in the general education classroom

10 General Education General Education is the least restrictive environment and should always be considered first in IEP placement discussionGeneral Education is the least restrictive environment and should always be considered first in IEP placement discussion

11 Discussion of General Education Are there supports that could be put in place that would allow the student to remain in general education? Why are supports provided not enough? Why does this student need more?

12 Consultation Student with disability receives at least 1 segment per month of direct serviceStudent with disability receives at least 1 segment per month of direct service Service is provided by a special education teacher and general education teacherService is provided by a special education teacher and general education teacher Service is provided in the general education classroomService is provided in the general education classroom

13 Supportive Instruction Student with disability receives service from personnel OTHER than a certified teacher: paraprofessionalsStudent with disability receives service from personnel OTHER than a certified teacher: paraprofessionals Service is provided by a para or other support personnel and general education teacherService is provided by a para or other support personnel and general education teacher Service is provided in the general education classroomService is provided in the general education classroom

14 Collaboration Student with disability receives service for a partial segmentStudent with disability receives service for a partial segment Service is provided by a special education teacher and general education teacherService is provided by a special education teacher and general education teacher Service is provided in the general education classroomService is provided in the general education classroom

15 Co-Teaching Two or more people sharing the responsibility for teaching some or all of the students assigned to a general classroom.Two or more people sharing the responsibility for teaching some or all of the students assigned to a general classroom. Coordinating their work to achieve a common goal.Coordinating their work to achieve a common goal. Sharing a belief system that each teacher has unique and needed expertise.Sharing a belief system that each teacher has unique and needed expertise. Use of a cooperative process to plan, perform, and monitor student growthUse of a cooperative process to plan, perform, and monitor student growth

16 What Co-teaching is Not One person teaching a subject followed by another teacher teaching a different subject.One person teaching a subject followed by another teacher teaching a different subject. One person teaching a subject while another teacher prepares materials, makes copies, and grades papers.One person teaching a subject while another teacher prepares materials, makes copies, and grades papers. One person teaches a subject while the other sits and watches or helps only a few students.One person teaches a subject while the other sits and watches or helps only a few students. One person teaches while another teacher tutors.One person teaches while another teacher tutors.

17 Small group Student with disability receives service for a full segment in a separate settingStudent with disability receives service for a full segment in a separate setting Service is provided by a special education teacherService is provided by a special education teacher Service is provided in the special education classroomService is provided in the special education classroom

18 Where can we be served? Consider the information provided on Michael, Carrie & EdwardConsider the information provided on Michael, Carrie & Edward Think-Pair-Share with a partnerThink-Pair-Share with a partner Discuss with your table groupDiscuss with your table group

19 Defining Roles & Responsibilities In groups of four, sort the strips in your envelope.In groups of four, sort the strips in your envelope. Sort responsibilities under the categories of responsibilities of General Educator, Special Education, or Both EducatorsSort responsibilities under the categories of responsibilities of General Educator, Special Education, or Both Educators

20 Setting Up for Success Inventory of BeliefsInventory of Beliefs Ground Rules ActivityGround Rules Activity

21 Staff Committed to Collaboration Work Together Before Teaching:Before Teaching: Identify Georgia Performance StandardsIdentify Georgia Performance Standards Develop Assessments/End ProductDevelop Assessments/End Product Identify ResourcesIdentify Resources Analyze Student NeedsAnalyze Student Needs Develop StrategiesDevelop Strategies

22 Staff Committed to Collaboration Work Together During Teaching:During Teaching: Explain their roles to the studentsExplain their roles to the students Communicate with each other to check perceptionsCommunicate with each other to check perceptions Reinforce each otherReinforce each other Monitor student understanding and performanceMonitor student understanding and performance Determine if the lesson goals are metDetermine if the lesson goals are met Assess end products for evidence of learningAssess end products for evidence of learning

23 Staff Committed to Collaboration Work Together After Teaching:After Teaching: Coach each other and communicate about lesson effectivenessCoach each other and communicate about lesson effectiveness Plan reinforcement and extension activitiesPlan reinforcement and extension activities Celebrate accomplishmentsCelebrate accomplishments

24 Benefits of Collaboration Helps all students achieve high academic performance as required by NCLB and IDEA.Helps all students achieve high academic performance as required by NCLB and IDEA. Increases participation of students with disabilities in rigorous academic general education and assessments.Increases participation of students with disabilities in rigorous academic general education and assessments. Helps all of us comply with the increasing diversity and demographics in our schools.Helps all of us comply with the increasing diversity and demographics in our schools. Leads to better instruction and learning for all.Leads to better instruction and learning for all.

25 BIG IDEA: The most important thing about Building Collaborative Relationships is that collaboration impacts student learning.

26 3-2-1 Reflection What are 3 strengths that I have as a enter collaboration?What are 3 strengths that I have as a enter collaboration? What are 2 ways collaboration will improve my current instructional practices?What are 2 ways collaboration will improve my current instructional practices? What is 1 question about collaboration that I would like to discuss further with other members of my faculty?What is 1 question about collaboration that I would like to discuss further with other members of my faculty?

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