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Sacraments celebrate many of the meaningful actions of our lives

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1 Sacraments celebrate many of the meaningful actions of our lives

2 Actions of Jesus “What Christ alone did…he now does in the sacraments.” “The saving act of Jesus is…visible through the official actions of his body, the Church.” “Sacrament” means an “embodiment” Jesus is the sacrament of God The Church is the sacrament of Jesus in the world

3 Symbolic Actions Symbolic actions are more powerful than words alone

4 Eucharistic Meal We connect most directly with Christ in the Eucharist
The meal ritually binds us together Symbolism of Seder-Passover-Last Supper Lamb of God Cross Resurrection “This is my Body-Blood” “Do this… “

5 Mass The Mass is the center of Catholic life—Where we meet Jesus and each other Readings/rituals prescribed so they will not vary over time and across culture Most parts date to early days of the Church The Eucharist reminds us of the sacredness of every meal we share

6 Seven Sacraments “Sacraments are intense experiences of the sacramentality of all life.” Baptism Acceptance, belonging Symbol of water Not magic

7 Sacraments of Initiation
Baptism Confirmation ritual of taking adult responsibility Eucharist

8 Sacraments of Healing Reconciliation highlights the importance of forgiveness in our lives Sacrament of the Sick God’s help and community’s support is available

9 Sacraments of Commitment
Marriage The support of Jesus and the community are available Holy Orders The community commissions leaders Sacraments are encounters with God which should lead us to see the sacredness of all of our experiences.

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