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Ofsted framework September 2012 Changes and implications for Clerks and Governing Bodies Clerk briefings September 2012.

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1 Ofsted framework September 2012 Changes and implications for Clerks and Governing Bodies Clerk briefings September 2012

2 Key documents The framework for school inspection (from September 2012) School inspection handbook – including the evaluation schedule Subsidiary guidance Report templates and guidance Briefing papers for inspectors on a range of topics. Including safeguarding and e-safety

3 The framework continues to judge: Achievement of pupils at the school The quality of teaching Behaviour and safety of pupils The quality of leadership and management of the school Leading to a judgment of Overall Effectiveness

4 Key changes for September 2012 The new framework will require ‘outstanding’ schools to have ‘outstanding’ teaching define an acceptable standard of education as being ‘good’

5 Implications for Clerks and Governors? Governors will need to have a clear knowledge and understanding of the standards of teaching across the school and the performance management processes, and be prepared to CHALLENGE the headteacher and senior leadership team. Clerks will need to minute any discussion and challenge at governing body meeting, to demonstrate the governors’ understanding.

6 Implications for Clerks and Governors? Governors will need to have a clear knowledge and understanding of the standards of teaching across the school and the performance management processes, and be prepared to CHALLENGE the headteacher and senior leadership team. Clerks will need to minute any discussion and challenge at governing body meeting, to demonstrate the governors’ understanding.

7 Key changes for September 2012 The inspection grades used when making judgements: Grade 1: outstanding Grade 2: good Grade 3: requires improvement Grade 4: inadequate and, if so, whether the school has serious weaknesses or requires special measures

8 Key changes for September 2012 The new framework will introduce earlier full re-inspection of schools judged as ‘requires improvement’ usually limit the number of times schools can be deemed to ‘require improvement’ to two consecutive inspections before they are judged ‘inadequate’ and deemed to require ‘special measures’

9 Implications for Clerks and Governors? Some schools may be more vulnerable than in the past and staff and governors need to be aware that being judged as “requiring improvement” or in a category, will mean that their school will be inspected more frequently.

10 Key changes for September 2012 The new framework will shorten the notice given of an inspection Inspectors will normally contact the school by telephone during the afternoon of the working day prior to the start of the inspection

11 Implications for Clerks and Governors? Shorter notice of inspection means that the governors – and the Governing Body paperwork – must be ready for inspection at all times. Governors should discuss in advance who will represent them during inspection – usually the Chair – and they need to be prepared and well-informed at a moment’s notice.

12 Key changes for September 2012 The new framework will request that schools provide anonymised information of the outcomes of the most recent performance management of all teachers Inspectors will evaluate the robustness of performance management arrangements and consider whether there is appropriate correlation between quality of teaching and salary progression.

13 Implications for Clerks and Governors? The annual performance management report from the Headteacher to governors will be a key agenda item each year- and should demonstrate the school’s understanding of standards in the school and how this is used to manage and develop performance. Clerks should suggest that performance management is regularly discussed, but bearing in mind confidentiality for individuals.

14 Key changes for September 2012 The new framework will not include a questionnaire for parents during the inspection. Parent View will provide the primary source of information about the views of parents. Inspectors will take into account the results of any past surveys carried out by the school.

15 Implications for Clerks and Governors? Schools should encourage parents to use Parent View – as positively as possible! Pupils, parents and staff should be surveyed regularly and the results of surveys reported to governors and ACTED ON! The Clerk could include this as an agenda item for discussion in the autumn term.

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