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Fruits & Veggies–More Matters® Curriculum Sue Zevan, RD.

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Presentation on theme: "Fruits & Veggies–More Matters® Curriculum Sue Zevan, RD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fruits & Veggies–More Matters® Curriculum Sue Zevan, RD

2 5 a Day to Fruits & Veggies-More Matters® No longer using 5 a Day Fruits & Veggies-More Matters® Teaches Fruits and Vegetables in cups not servings to match MyPyramid Required by USDA

3 Curriculum Four lessons to encourage the consumption of fruits and vegetables for a healthy body Five objectives for each lesson.

4 Integrated Curriculum Each lesson lists which Arizona Department of Education Comprehensive Skills are addressed in the lesson Health Mathematics Writing

5 Lessons  Lesson 1 - Fruits and Vegetables  Lesson 2 - Fabulous Fiber  Lesson 3 - Produce Tour  Lesson 3a - Virtual Produce Tour  Lesson 4 - Healthy Meals and Snacks

6 Lesson Format Advance Preparation –Prompt for behavior signals Handouts Materials and Equipment Estimated Time Introduction Presentation

7 Lesson Format Activities Includes movement Performance/Evaluation Measures Summary/Closure Home Connection Follow-Up

8 Fruits & Veggies-More Matters® Pledge I pledge... I will try one fruit or vegetable that I have never tried before or I will try at least one fruit or vegetable that I do not like, But all I have to do is take one bite!

9 Fruit & Veggies More-Matters® Song (Sing to the tune of the ABC Song) Fruits and vegetables are very good for me! They have vitamins A and C. Plants have fiber, Animals do not. Fruits and vegetables, Eat them cold or hot. Fruits and vegetables are very good for me. I’ll eat more each Day! (shout) How healthy I will be! Words written by: Shirley Strembel, M.S., R.D., Maricopa County Department of Health Services

10 Teacher Evaluation Lesson 1 – Fruits and Vegetables School:________________ Teacher:_______________ Date:__________________ Number of Students:____________ Number of Boys:___ Number of Girls:_____ Number of Teachers, Volunteers, Others:____________ Men:______ Women:_______

11 TEACHER SUPPLEMENT Lesson Overview and Objectives Academic Standards List of spelling words Supplemental Activities so teacher can have a complete unit at end of 4 lessons Test at end of the 4 lessons for teacher to assess student’s comprehension and use for a grade in Health

12 Consumption Survey Sampling of students fill out a consumption survey At beginning of Lesson 1 and end of Lesson 4. Assess the impact the lessons on student eating behavior

13 Website Curriculum on website Materials no longer provided by AZNN List of teaching aids and nutrition education reinforcement items and where to get them Only for Contributing Partners (LIA’s) at this time

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