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Published byMerry Nicholson Modified over 9 years ago
Pacing Guides Grade 3- Quarter 1 Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3 Language FunctionsQuestioningRetellSequencing Reading RL.3.1 Ask/Answer questions to show understanding. RL.3.2 Recount texts, determine central message and explain how its conveyed. RL.3.3 Explain how a character’s actions contribute to the sequence of events. Skill Strategy Main Idea-Supporting Details Monitor/Clarify Cause/Effect Predict Sequencing Summarize Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.3.1, 1c Connection opinions and reasons with linking words and phrases. Model how to write an opinion piece supporting reasons with point of view. W.3.1 Introduce topic, state opinion, create an organizations structure with supporting reasons. (3.1c continue to use linking words to connect to reasons) W.3.1b,d Provide reasons to support an opinion. Provide a concluding statement. Language L.3.3a Choose words and phrases for effect. L.3.1i Produce simple, compound and complex sentences in writing. L.3.2c Use commas and quotation marks (dialogue) L.3.1h Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions Speaking/Listening SL.3.1d Explain ideas during discussion Informational Units Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3 Language FunctionsQuestioningRetellSequencing Reading RI.3.1 Ask/answer questions to show understanding RI.3.2 Determine main idea, show how details support the main idea. RI.3.3 Use language to describe the relationship between events. Skill Strategy Main Idea/Supporting Details Monitor/Clarify Cause/Effect Predict Sequencing Summarizing Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.3.2 Informational texts examine a topic and convey ideas (model) W.3.2d Use domain-specific vocabulary when writing about a topic. W.3.2a Introduce topic, and group related information (use illustrations). W.3.2b Develop the topic with facts and details. W.3.2c Use linking words and phrases to connect ideas. W.3.2d Provide a concluding statement (integrate cause and effect or sequencing language). Language L.3.1d Use regular/irregular verbs SL.3.2 Determine main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented. L.3.3a Use words and phrases for effect in writing. L.3.4a Use a sentence’s context to determine meaning. Speaking/Listening SL.3.1c Ask questions, stay on topic, link comments to others remarks. SL.3.6 Speak in complete sentences.
Pacing Guides Grade 3 - Quarter 2 Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3 Language FunctionsSequence/DescribingCompare/Contrast DescribingOpinion Compare/Contrast Reading RL.3.5 Use chapter, scene and stanza when referring to parts of a story, drama/poem. RL.3.7 How do illustrations convey words in a story? RL.3.6 Distinguishing points of view (narrator, self, characters). Skill Strategy Text Organization Monitor/Clarify Compare and Contrast or Cause/Effect Inferring/Predicting Author’s Purpose Evaluating Writing – Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.3.3a Model how event sequence unfolds in a narrative. W.3.3a Establish situation, introduce characters and organize an event sequence. W.3.3c Use temporal words to signal event order W.3.3b Use dialogue and description to develop experiences, events and character responses. W.3.3d Provide a sense of closure. Language (integrate with writing) L.3.1a Parts of Speech functions L.3.1h Coordinating/Sub conjunctions L.3.1g Form and use comparative, superlative adjective/adverbs depending on what tis to be modified. L.3.1f Subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement L.3.2c Commas and questions marks in dialogue L.3.5a Distinguish literal/non meaning Speaking/Listening SL3.1a Draw on known to explore ideas in discussion SL.3.2 Determine main idea and supporting details (share orally) diverse media. SL.3.4 Report on a topic, tell a story, recount an experience with facts and descriptions. Informational Units Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3 Language Functions ClassificationDescribe/ ExplainCompare/Contrast Opinions Reading RI.3.5 Use text features to locate information RI.3.7 Use illustrations /words to show understanding RI.3.6 Point of view of author and self Skill Strategy Categorize/Classify Questioning Main Idea, Topic, Supporting Details Summarizing Author’s Purpose Evaluating Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.3.2a Model writing informational structures. W.3.2b Develop topic w’ facts, definitions, details. W.3.2c Connect ideas w’ linking words/phrases. W.3.2d Provide a concluding statement. W.3.5 Edit, plan, revise with guidance from peers. Language (integrate with writing) L.3.4a Sentence level context -word meaning L.3.5b Connections between words and real to life use. L.3.2.g Use reference materials for spelling. L.3.1i simple, compound, complex sentences L.3.2c forms and uses possessives L.3.2d commas, quotes in dialogue L.3.2b knows spoken vs written conventions Speaking/Listening SL.3.1c Asks questions to clarify understanding. SL.3.6 Speaks in complete sentences.
Pacing Guides Grade 3- Quarter 3 Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3 Language FunctionsDefining/DescribingLiterary AnalysisCompare/Contrast Reading RL.3.4 Determine literal from non-literal words/phrases RL.3.7 How do illustrations convey the text meaning RL.3.9 Compare story elements by same author about similar characters Skill Strategy Inferring Monitor/Clarify Story (text) Structure Evaluating Questioning Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.3.3 Model techniques, details and event sequences of narrative writing W3.3a Introduce Narrator/characters ; organize an event sequence W.3.3b Use dialogue to develop events W.3.3c Use temporal words to signal event order W.3.3d Provide a sense of closure in narrative writing Language L.3.4b affixes change word meaning L.3.1d use irregular/regular plural nouns L.3.1c use abstract nouns L.3.5c use abstract nouns L.3.1d use irregular/regular plural nouns L.3.1a explain the purpose of adjectives L.3.2a capitalize words in titles L.3.2e conventional spelling in HFW add suffixes to base words Speaking/Listening SL.3.1b Follow agreed upon discussion rules SL.3.1d Explain own ideas during discussions SL.3.3 Ask questions, elaborate and use details during discussions Informational Units Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3 Language FunctionsDefining/DescribingExplaining Compare/Contrast Evaluate Reading RI.3.4 Determine academic and domain –specific Words/phrases RI.3.8 Describe how text is connected by specific structures (i.e., comparison, cause/effect) RI.3.9 Compare and Contrast points in 2 texts on the same topic Skill Strategy Text Structure (informational) Questioning Text Organization Questioning Compare and Contrast Monitor and Clarify Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.3.2 and W.3.2a Model techniques to convey ideas and group related information together W.3.2b and W.3.2c Develop a topic with facts using linking words W.3.2d Provide a concluding statement Language L.3.4c Use root words as clues to meaning L.3.3.a Choose words for effect L.3.2f Use spelling patterns when writing words L.3.2b Use commas in addresses Speaking/Listening SL.3.2 Determine main ideas of information presented in diverse media SL.3.4 Report on a topic or text with appropriate facts and descriptive details.
Pacing Guides Grade 3 - Quarter 4 Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3 Language FunctionsSequence – Summarize Support Opinions Compare/Contrast Hypothesis Reading RL.3.3 Describe Character traits, motivations, feelings. How do traits contribute to the sequence of events? RL.3.6 What is the narrator’s or characters’ point of view? What is yours? How are they different? RL.3.9 Compare and contrast themes, setting and plots (same author). Skill Strategy Noting Details Monitor/Clarify Making Judgments Evaluate Drawing Conclusions Summarize Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.3.1-a Model (show planning for ) what is an opinion piece? How does it support a point of view with reasons? W.3.1b-c (rough draft) Student writing opinion piece – focus on providing reasons that support the opinion and linking words/phrases (because, therefore, since, etc…)( W.3.1d Complete opinion piece – provide a concluding statement or section. Language L.3.5b Identify real life connects between words and uses (connect to characterization) L.3.1e In writing form and use the simple verb tenses. L.3.1f Subject-Verb-Pronoun agreements. L.3.2 Demonstrate commands of standard English when writing. Speaking/Listening SL.3.3 Ask and answer questions of a speaker. SL.3.1 Engage collaboratively in discussions. SL.3.6 Speak in complete sentences. Informational Units Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3 Language FunctionsSequence – Summarize Support Opinions Compare/Contrast Drawing Conclusions Reading RI.3.3 Describe relationships between events, concepts or procedures using time, sequence and cause/effect. RI.3.6 Distinguish own point of view from that of the author’s (author’s purpose). RI.3.9 Compare and contrast important points and key details in two texts on the same topic. Skill Strategy Predicting Outcomes Monitor/Clarify Problem Solving Evaluate Making Generalizations Summarizing Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.3.2-a Model time, sequence or cause effect in events, concepts or procedures in order to write an informaitonal text. Group related ideas together (research) W.3.2b-c (rough draft) Develop writing topic with facts, definition and details, linking words and phrases to connect ideas. W.3.8 Gather information from digital sources, take notes and sort evidence. W.3.2d Complete informational piece – provide a concluding statement or section. Support with key details and points as well as differences in points of view. Language L.3.1g Comparative/Superlative adjectives & adverbs L.3.2g Consult reference materials to check spelling L.3.4d Use glossaries, dictionaries print and digital to clarify meaning Speaking/Listening SL.3.1A Come to discussions prepared SL.3.1D Explain own ideas in discussions SL.3.5 Create audio of fluent readings…
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