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Rounding Rounding helps us figure out about how many things or about how much money is needed.

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Presentation on theme: "Rounding Rounding helps us figure out about how many things or about how much money is needed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rounding Rounding helps us figure out about how many things or about how much money is needed.

2 Table of Contents Steps for Rounding Rounding to the Nearest Ten
Practice Rounding to the Nearest Ten Rounding to the Greatest Place Practice Rounding to the Nearest Hundred Rounding to the Nearest Hundred Practice Rounding to the Underlined Place Practice Rounding to the Greatest Place

3 Steps for Rounding Do I round up or stay the same? Draw a line under the digit in the place you are rounding to. Draw an arrow from that digit to the digit in the next place to the right. Look at that digit. If it is less than 4, the underlined digit stays the same. If the digit the arrow is pointing to is 5 or more, the underlined digit goes up 1. Change or keep the underlined digit as necessary. Then, any digit to the left stays the same and every digit to the right becomes a zero. Click screen to have “The Thinker” fly in and spin around.

4 Rounding to the Nearest Ten
42 67 40 70 Click the slide to show each step individually to work through rounding each number. =5 or >5 <5

5 Practice Rounding to the Nearest Ten
Do I round up or stay the same? Practice Rounding to the Nearest Ten Now it’s your turn! What does 73 round to? What does 87 round to? Think: Think: 70 90 Click for each step to appear. <5 =5 or >5

6 Practice Rounding to the Nearest Ten
Do I round up or stay the same? Practice Rounding to the Nearest Ten Work with your partner to round these numbers to the nearest ten. As students discuss what each number would be rounded to, have them share their answers.

7 Rounding to the Nearest Hundred
600 300 Click for each step to appear. =5 or >5 <5

8 Practice Rounding to the Nearest Hundred
Do I round up or stay the same? Practice Rounding to the Nearest Hundred Give it a try! Talk with your partner about what you would do to round these numbers. 500 1000 After students decide if the underlined digit stays the same or goes up, click to show the arrow. Then, click after they have given their answer to have it bounce in. Next, click to start the “thought process” for the second number. Again, click when the students have decided the 9 will go up to show the arrow. Finally, click for the answer to bounce in. =5 or >5 <5 How did you do?

9 Practice Rounding to the Nearest Hundred
Do I round up or stay the same? Practice Rounding to the Nearest Hundred Work with your partner to round these numbers to the nearest hundred. As students discuss what each number would be rounded to, have them share their answers.

10 Rounding to the Greatest Place
Let’s work these out together! This time we’re going to use a number line to help us round. What does 382 round to? What should we be thinking about? What does 1,200 round to? What should we be thinking about? Click the slide to show the answer to the first question to show the answer on the number line. Then, click the slide, again, to show the answer to the second question to show the answer on the number line.

11 Practice Rounding to the Greatest Place
Do I round up or stay the same? Practice Rounding to the Greatest Place Work with your partner to round these numbers to the greatest place. As students discuss what each number would be rounded to, have them share their answers.

12 Practice Rounding to the Underlined Place
Do I round up or stay the same? Practice Rounding to the Underlined Place Work with your partner to round these numbers to the place of the underlined digit. As students discuss what each number would be rounded to, have them share their answers.

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