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Autumn A message from the Head teacher : Dear Winton Families, As we reach the end of our first half term, I am delighted by some of our children's achievements.

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Presentation on theme: "Autumn A message from the Head teacher : Dear Winton Families, As we reach the end of our first half term, I am delighted by some of our children's achievements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autumn A message from the Head teacher : Dear Winton Families, As we reach the end of our first half term, I am delighted by some of our children's achievements so far this year: from our emerging orchestra of musicians (playing keyboards, clarinets, recorders and violins); to the excellent work I have seen children do in Maths with our new Numicon resources; and the interesting science experiments that have been taking place in our new science lesson slot every Friday morning! Such fantastically hard-working children deserve to learn in the best possible learning environment. After half-term, we will be beginning our major 'classroom improvement' project - which will involve all of our classrooms being fully re-furbished and updated with the latest technology! This means that each class will be working in a different classroom for about 3 weeks each whilst their own classroom is being re-furbished! But by the end of the year, every single classroom should have been fully updated and improved! Wishing you a very relaxing half-term! Mr Rigby October 2015 Autumn Term Key Dates: School Assemblies at 10:50 am in the top hall: Friday 27 th November – Year 4 assembly Friday 4 th December – Year 3 assembly Parents’ Evening – Wednesday 11 th November and Thursday 12 th November from 3:30pm Friday 20 th November – INSET DAY Friday 11 th December – Year 2’s celebration of their work with Little Angel Theatre Christmas Lunch – Thursday 17 th December School Christmas Carol Concert – Friday 18 th December at 1pm Parent Coffee Mornings with Nicola our Parent Liaison Worker at 9am in the Middle Hall Monday 9 th November – With Mr. Rigby – ‘How we teach guided reading at Winton’ Monday 23 rd November – Coffee morning Monday 7 th December – Coffee morning An opportunity to meet other parents’; find out more about Winton and ask any questions……

2 23 rd September, Friday 20 th November Autumn Term: School starts back on Wednesday 2 nd September School breaks up for half term: Friday 23 rd October School starts back on Monday 2 nd November School breaks up on: Friday 18 th December at 2pm 23 rd September, Friday 20 th November Autumn Term: School starts back on Wednesday 2 nd September School breaks up for half term: Friday 23 rd October School starts back on Monday 2 nd November School breaks up on: Friday 18 th December at 2pm Numicon at Winton….. Winton are pleased to announce the launch of Numicon to support the development of maths from Early Years through to Year 6. Numicon is a proven approach to teaching maths for the 2014 National Curriculum and beyond. Winner of the award for Whole-Curriculum Subject Resource (non-ICT) at the 2015 Education Resources Awards (ERA). The principles of Numicon are as follows: Embodies the aims of the 2014 National Curriculum by developing conversation, mathematical reasoning and problem-solving Exemplifies the principles of maths mastery with concrete apparatus and imagery to ensure deep understanding is embedded If you have any questions or require any further information, please speak to your class teacher! Term Dates: Autumn term INSET days (no school for children):, Friday 20 th November Autumn Term: School breaks up for half term: Friday 23 rd October School starts back on Monday 2 nd November School breaks up on: Friday 18 th December at 2pm Spring Term: School starts back on Monday 4 th January School breaks up for half term: Friday 12 th February School starts back on Monday 22 nd February School breaks up on: Thursday 24 th March at 2pm Summer Term: School starts back on Monday 11 th April School breaks up for half term: Friday 27 th May School starts back on Monday 6 th June School breaks up on: Wednesday 20 th July at 2pm * (2 INSET days to be confirmed) If you would like to see the newsletter in colour please go to

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