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2010 Medical Professional Liability Symposium Chicago, IL ~ March 18 & 19, 2010 Extreme Makeover, Healthcare Edition: Navigating the Changes.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 Medical Professional Liability Symposium Chicago, IL ~ March 18 & 19, 2010 Extreme Makeover, Healthcare Edition: Navigating the Changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 Medical Professional Liability Symposium Chicago, IL ~ March 18 & 19, 2010 Extreme Makeover, Healthcare Edition: Navigating the Changes

2 Moderator: Mary S. Botkin, ARM, Managing Director, National Health Care Practice Leader, Willis North America Panelists: Matthew Dolan, CPCU, President, IronHealth Michelle Hoppes, RN, MS, President and CEO, Patient Safety and Risk Solutions, ASHRM James D. Hurley, ACAS, MAAA, Consulting Actuary, Towers Watson

3 2010 Medical Professional Liability Symposium Session Objective To provide a high level overview of macro issues currently impacting, or that will impact professionals serving the needs of healthcare professionals. The obvious hot topic will be a final reform bill and its potential implications for all of us.

4 2010 Medical Professional Liability Symposium Scope of Discussion Current Health Care Reform Status New Sources and Related Issues for Health Care Provider Revenue New Risk related to New Revenue Privacy, Fraud and Abuse, Qui Tam – What is the Financial Burden? Tort Status Predictions by the Panelists

5 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum - We thought there would be a Reform Bill by this time -Massachusetts Election for the Senate Position Changed Everything - Now What? - Panel Views -What happens this year -Predictions -Q&A

6 2010 Medical Professional Liability Symposium Risk Management Vision

7 7 Risk Management and Loss Forecasting Provider Predictions Medical homes- accountable organizations Increase in physician employment Shortages severe Emerging Issues Expanding access to coverage Avoidable re- admissions Cyber liability New Revenue-New Risk HIT-all digitalGenomics Comparative effectiveness research-EBM Forecasting ThroughputNever events Economic constraints Positives Clinical outcomes Value based purchasing Data to drive action

8 2010 Medical Professional Liability Symposium Actuarial View

9 2010 Medical Professional Liability Symposium General approach of reform  market reforms, individual mandate, subsidies, creation of exchanges, Medicaid expansion, employer involvement House, Senate or “Door No. 3”? ... but something!

10 2010 Medical Professional Liability Symposium Debate:  healthcare versus economy  cost versus benefit  cost containment/quality  new plans  anti-trust

11 2010 Medical Professional Liability Symposium Insurance Company View

12 2010 Medical Professional Liability Symposium Politics, Economics, Marketplace Dynamics and Healthcare Liability  Sweeping reform becomes incremental change  Health care providers face intense economic pressure  The liability marketplace remains competitive  The value of verdicts and settlements increase What Happens Now and Predictions for the Not-So Distant Future

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