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The Forth Quiz - Review. What is party influence, when it comes to getting a bill passed?

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Presentation on theme: "The Forth Quiz - Review. What is party influence, when it comes to getting a bill passed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Forth Quiz - Review

2 What is party influence, when it comes to getting a bill passed?

3 The tendency of Democrats and Republicans to vote with their parties. The House tends to do this more so than the Senate.

4 These are expenditures that include Social Security and interest on the national debt, put in place by federal contracts and can’t be changed by Congress, no matter what.

5 Entitlements

6 What are simple resolutions?

7 They affect only one house of Congress, and makes new rules for that house, but does not really have the force of law.

8 When they add something to a bill that is unrelated to the state purpose of a bill. Like adding a weapons system onto a health care bill.

9 A rider

10 What are public bills?

11 They deal with matters that affect the entire nation, and include things like tax cuts, national health, gun control…often controversial.

12 What are private bills?

13 Bills that deal with individual people or places and involve claims against the government or a person’s immigration problem.

14 What is an authorization bill?

15 The first step in the legislative process, it sets up a federal program and specifies how much money can be appropriated for it.

16 What’s a pocket veto?

17 When a bill is passed and there’s less than 10 days left in the congressional session, the president can just not sign it, and it is automatically vetoed without giving Congress a chance to override it.

18 What is the line-item veto?

19 A law that allows the president to veto specific items of a spending bill, declared unconstitutional as a violation of checks and balances.

20 What is the closed rule?

21 Keeps members of the House from offering any amendments to a bill from the floor – a bill that comes out of committee complete and no one can add anything to it.

22 How does a bill become a law?

23 Well, it’s a rather complicated process, where you need to draw lines and boxes, with solid explanations of each detailed step and process. Don’t forget committees and what POTUS can do or not do, whatever the case.

24 The End

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