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THE HOLOCAUST BY: SAM BILLY ANGELINA. TARGET Jewish people Brown hair Brown eyes 6 MILLION KILLED Jewish 5 million that were not Jewish but hated by the.

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Presentation on theme: "THE HOLOCAUST BY: SAM BILLY ANGELINA. TARGET Jewish people Brown hair Brown eyes 6 MILLION KILLED Jewish 5 million that were not Jewish but hated by the."— Presentation transcript:


2 TARGET Jewish people Brown hair Brown eyes 6 MILLION KILLED Jewish 5 million that were not Jewish but hated by the Nazi’s - Gypsies - Physical or Mental Disability - Jehovah’s Witnesses

3 NAZI’S BELIEFS Nazi’s came to power in 1933 Jewish people=Germany’s defeat in WW1 BELIEVED THAT GERMANS WERE -“RACIALLY SUPERIOR” JEW’S WERE -“DEEMED IMPERIOR” -THREAT TO GERMANY’S COMMUNITY -Disliked because of what they believed in

4 Jew’s Restrictions Kristallnacht= burning down synagogues, homes, businesses of Jews Children not allowed to go to school Curfew and not allowed in public places Not allowed to stay in hotels or pools Driven out of Germany or sent to Concentration camps

5 GYPSIES & Jehovah’s Witnesses both selfish and pests to Germans -G Believed to practice “witchcraft” –G 10,000 out of 20,000 killed in concentration camps –JW ocaust.htm

6 5797124812012148738&ei=8_AoS6- dBaL6rAKH59n3Aw&q=holocaust&view=3 &safe=active# 5797124812012148738&ei=8_AoS6- dBaL6rAKH59n3Aw&q=holocaust&view=3 &safe=active# video

7 How People Were Killed Machine guns Starvation Abuse Steamed showers Concentration camps





12 BIBLIOGRAPHY “The Holocaust." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 4 May 2009. Web. 16 Dec. 2009.. "The Holocaust." Oracle ThinkQuest Library. 2002. Web. 17 Dec. 2009.. Google Image Result for" Google Images. Web. 17 Dec. 2009.. Google Image Result for DVD/WWII Concentration Camps/Concentration Camps5.jpg." Google Images. Web. 17 Dec. 2009..

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