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ShadowsShadows Unit 2 Lesson 12. 10 ten 5 five 2 two.

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Presentation on theme: "ShadowsShadows Unit 2 Lesson 12. 10 ten 5 five 2 two."— Presentation transcript:

1 ShadowsShadows Unit 2 Lesson 12

2 10 ten

3 5 five

4 2 two

5 7 seven

6 1 one

7 9 nine

8 3 three

9 4 four

10 6 six

11 8 eight

12 Ee

13 Cc

14 Bb

15 Ss

16 Qq

17 Tt

18 Uu

19 Pp

20 Oo

21 Gg

22 Rr

23 Nn

24 Kk

25 Aa

26 Dd

27 Ff

28 Ii

29 Hh

30 Ll

31 Jj

32 Mm

33 an

34 I

35 the

36 here

37 and

38 see

39 we

40 is

41 a

42 I see a big dog.

43 Here is the dog. He is playing.

44 The dog and the cat are brown.

45 Here is a green frog.

46 COLORS!!!

47 white

48 orange

49 blue

50 brown

51 pink

52 green

53 red

54 yellow

55 black

56 purple

57 Shapes!!!








65 Focusing on Words in Print “Bluebird, Bluebird” Read the rhyme and have students count the number of words in a line, number of letters in a word See if they notice that the words repeat (look the same)

66 Measurement Words Tallerinch Shorterfoot Longyard Longer Big Small Heavy Light

67 Word Substitution Reread a familiar story or rhyme Make substitutions to the words and see if the students can identify the substitution Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall…

68 Alphabet Song ABCDEFG (clap) HIJKLMN (clap) OPQ (clap) RST (clap) UV (clap) XYZ (clap) Now I never will forget How to say the alphabet. PLAY SONG

69 Vowel Song Letter Sounds

70 Letter Review!!! Gg

71 Uu

72 Dd

73 Ee

74 Nn

75 Tt

76 Ff

77 Mm

78 Cc

79 Qq

80 Jj

81 Rr

82 Kk

83 Hh

84 Ll

85 Bb

86 Oo

87 Ii

88 Pp

89 Aa

90 Ss

91 Find the Letter Find examples around the room of the letter “Uu”

92 Letter Shapes Vv

93 Letter Shapes Practice writing the letter Vv

94 Alphabet Book Vv

95 Sounds and Letters Page 10, 11

96 The Wolf and His Shadow A fable by Aesop Retold by Margaret Clark Illustrated by: Charlotte Voake Focus Questions: Why did the wolf call himself king? Why did the lion think the wolf was silly?

97 Vocabulary Strutted Sprang

98 Cause and Effect Why is the wolf’s shadow big? –Because the sun is low in the sky Why did the lion eat the wolf? –Because the wolf thought he should be king What if the effect of something? –You fall in scrap your knee Because you were not watching where you were going etc…

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