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Jackie Voss Manager, Global Standards Development ATIS All-IP Transition Initiatives December 1, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Jackie Voss Manager, Global Standards Development ATIS All-IP Transition Initiatives December 1, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jackie Voss Manager, Global Standards Development ATIS All-IP Transition Initiatives December 1, 2015

2 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting December 1, 2015 ATIS All-IP Program Highlights: Service Transition Public Safety Related Applications Task Force (PSRA TF) Real Time Texting (RTT) Enhanced Calling Name (eCNAM) Testbeds Focus Group Caller ID Spoofing and Robocall Mitigation Techniques 2

3 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting December 1, 2015 ATIS’ All-IP Program 3 Back Office ASOG (including Ethernet Ordering) TPBAG and COCAG (Numbering Guidelines) Operations and Customer Care Routing Business Application Network Interconnection Use CasesRequirements Architecture/ Design ImplementationVerification Operations/ Maintenance Protocol or Data Model Definition ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI ESINet Deliverable -> Function Wireless Emergency Alerts Lawful Intercept Rural Call Completion Testbeds NRSC/CSRIC Best Practices Synchronization ATIS/SIP Forum Routing Architectures Industry Best Practices Public Safety Related Apps PSTN to IP Protocol Interworking

4 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting December 1, 2015 Service Transition Work ATIS is analyzing a basic set of services commonly provided in circuit switch PSTN, and addresses the technical issues surrounding support of these services in a mixed circuit switch/packet switch environment and, in the future, all- packet-switch environment. Output to include detailed call flows, new ISUP/SIP and TCAP/IP inter-workings and extensions to SIP in support of: Toll Free Calling LIDB Services CNAM Operator Based Services Priority Government Services 4

5 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting December 1, 2015 Public Safety Related Applications Task Force Report Published ATIS published Report “Developing a Roadmap for the Migration of Public Safety Applications during the All-IP Transition”.“Developing a Roadmap for the Migration of Public Safety Applications during the All-IP Transition” Addresses areas of energy and utilities, alarm circuits to fire and police, transportation, and the broad set of emergency operations center-related applications currently provisioned over legacy copper infrastructure. Provides a high level of insight into the directional changes that could be enabled by the transition to all-IP. 5

6 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting December 1, 2015 Real Time Texting (RTT) RTT defines the ability to instantly communicate text as it is typed. ATIS completed its Technical Report on Support of TTY Service over IP using Global Text Telephony (ATIS- 1000068).Support of TTY Service over IP using Global Text Telephony (ATIS- 1000068) Describes means that Teletypewriter (TTY) service can be provided over IP between operators’ networks through the use of the Global Text Telephony capability, which enables simultaneous audio and/or video with text media stream. Engaging consumer community for current work on standardizing mobile device behavior for RTT handling. 6

7 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting December 1, 2015 Enhanced Calling Name (eCNAM) ATIS completed IP NGN Enhanced Calling Name (eCNAM) (ATIS-1000067.2015), which defines a Calling Name Delivery service in the IP-based NGN.IP NGN Enhanced Calling Name (eCNAM) (ATIS-1000067.2015) Describes a service that includes a mandatory longer name field (beyond the current 15 characters) and optional additional information about the caller. Focuses on service offerings where: (a) both calling and called parties are in the IP-based NGN network, and (b) the name and related information are obtained from a database. 7

8 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting December 1, 2015 Testbeds Focus Group All-IP transition calls for testbeds to validate related solutions (e.g., numbering evolution, IP-NNI routing, authenticated caller-ID). Report published: “Assessment and Next Steps”.“Assessment and Next Steps Identifies ten test “use cases” related to numbering, routing, and provider-to-provider metadata in an all-IP network. Provides an initial assessment and indication of interest by nine Focus Group member companies to participate in one or more of the ten testbed use cases. 8

9 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting December 1, 2015 Caller ID Spoofing & Robocall Mitigation Techniques ATIS Packet Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC) is developing a technical report that reviews problems associated with originating party spoofing in IP networks and analyzes mitigation techniques to better assess their applicability in the all-IP network. ATIS and PTSC are working with the SIP Forum on the development of a specification for an extensible canonical token (Verified Token) that cryptographically represents the originating calling number and the provider that originated the call. This is related to the IETF STIR approach. The TOPS Council is also developing use and test cases to evaluate the Verified Token and the IETF STIR approaches. 9

10 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting December 1, 2015 ATIS Next Generation Interconnection Interoperability Forum (NGIIF) is developing a baseline document that discusses caller ID spoofing issues and methodologies to mitigate the impact of inappropriate caller ID spoofing. As the North American partner of 3GPP, ATIS and its members are also contributing to the ongoing 3GPP work program that is examining enhanced prevention and detection of caller ID spoofing as it relates to IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). 10 Caller ID Spoofing & Robocall Mitigation Techniques

11 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting December 1, 2015 Questions? If you have any questions or comments, please contact: Jackie Voss Manager, ATIS Global Standards Development 11

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