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1 Intervals

2 Copy into books Interval: Distance between two notes
C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C Semitone: Direct next note up or down Eg. C ➔ C#, E ➔ F, B ➔ C Tone: Distance of two semitones Eg. C ➔ D, E ➔F#, B ➔ C#

3 Intervals on Keyboard Semitone Eg. C ➔ C#, E ➔ F, A ➔ A#
Tone Eg. C ➔ D, E ➔ F#, A ➔ B

4 Questions C B A G F E D What is the interval between: 1. C ➔ D
2. F# ➔ G 3. F ➔ E 4. B ➔ C 5. D ➔ C# 6. G ➔ F 7. F ➔ D# 8 C ➔ A#

5 Listening Activity Write the numbers 1 to 5 down your page.
You are to listen to the two notes played and complete the following: Identify whether the notes are a tone or a semitone apart. Identify whether the notes ascend ↑ or descend↓

6 Scales Scale: A series of pitches
Major Scale: A series of pitches that follow the pattern; T T S T T T S T (tone), S (semitone) T T S T T T S

7 C Major Scale F Major Scale G Major Scale

8 Scale Activity Draw the following two scales, the first note is done for you. Use the pattern TTSTTTS Notes: C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# D 1. 2.

9 Key Signature Key Signature: any of several combinations of sharps or flats after the clef at the beginning of each stave, indicating the key of a composition.

10 Key Signature – Relative Keys
Relative keys are the major and minor scales that have the same key signatures

11 Minuet by Bach Open to page 10 Read through the top of the page.

12 Score Reading Try and follow along with the music
Hint: Follow the lines that start with a treble clef 

13 Score Reading Looking at the score answer the following questions:
What is the time signature? What is the key signature? What notes are predominately used? At bar 16, what do the two lines and the dotes mean? At bar 5 violin I, what is the small note with a line through it called? What is the highest note?

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