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Laura McCoy.  rRNA genes are a multi-gene family  Located in the nucleolus of the cell  Genes are found in tandem arrays  rRNA plus ribosomal proteins.

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Presentation on theme: "Laura McCoy.  rRNA genes are a multi-gene family  Located in the nucleolus of the cell  Genes are found in tandem arrays  rRNA plus ribosomal proteins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laura McCoy

2  rRNA genes are a multi-gene family  Located in the nucleolus of the cell  Genes are found in tandem arrays  rRNA plus ribosomal proteins form ribosomes  Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own rRNA genes

3  In prokaryotes: 23S, 5S,16S  In eukaryotes: 28S, 5.8S, 5S, 18S http://www.mun.c a/biology/scarr/M GA2_03-23.html

4 1. Find orthologs in closely related species (Vitis Vinifera and Fragaria Vesca) 2. Blast ortholog sequences against blueberry genome 3. Analyze hits

5  18S (partial sequence) GQ849399: 6 hits (454 sequence)  16S- most likely chloroplast rRNA AJ639615: 20 hits (454 sequence) AF143264: 6 hits (454 sequence)  Mitochondria (complete genome) FM1798380: 500 hits (454 sequence) **note: sequences found on rRNA database: http://www.arb-

6  EU024825: working draft sequence 8 unordered unordered pieces 43 hits (454 sequence) **note: sequence found on rRNA database: http://www.arb-  5S No hits found (454 or Illumina sequences)  23S No hits found (454 or Illumina sequences) **note: sequences found on

7  Conservation of rRNA gene sequences between closely related species 18S, chloroplast, mitochondria  Sequences of all rRNA genes in strawberry and grape are not available 28S, 5S, 5.8S

8  Stutz, E., and Noll, H. 1967. Characterization of cytoplasmic and chloroplast polysomes in plants: evidence for three classes of ribosomal RNA in nature. Biochemistry. 57: 774-781.  Velasco et al. 2007. A High Quality Draft Consensus Sequence of the Genome of a Heterozygous Grapevine Variety.

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