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Automatic Flight Control System

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1 Automatic Flight Control System
Bendix/ King KFC 225 Automatic Flight Control System

2 CLASS INTRODUCTION Instructor: Jonathan Johns Phone: 928.219.1149
Phone: Few housekeeping items: - Mute cell phones - If you must use cell phone step out of class please. (Do not disturb the class) - Break every hour - Test at the end of class

3 KFC 225 Display 3


5 KFC 225 OPERATION Three axis system - lateral, vertical and optional yaw damper Preflight test “PFT” 12 sequences to test Must PFT or unit is not operable

6 KFC 225 SYSTEM OPERATION I (P) Pitch Axis Annunciator
(R) Roll Axis Annunciator (AP) Autopilot Engage/ Disengage (FD) Flight Director Mode selector button : engages ROL (Basic roll) mode as a wing leveler, and into PIT (Pitch hold mode)

(HDG) Heading Mode (NAV) Nav Mode: “if selected nav sensor <50% deflected when armed - system automatically captures, otherwise capture point will vary based on deflection and closure rate. (APR) Approach Mode Selector. “ Note: if heading differs from selected course more than 105 degrees of selected course, REV ARM will automatically annunciate” (REV) Back course selector. Will select the back course approach. Activates FD and inhibits glideslope

(HDG) Heading Mode (NAV) Nav Mode: “if selected nav sensor <50% deflected when armed - system automatically captures, otherwise capture point will vary based on deflection and closure rate. (APR) Approach Mode Selector. “ Note: if heading differs from selected course more than 105 degrees of selected course, REV ARM will automatically annunciate” (REV) Back course selector. Will select the back course approach. Activates FD and inhibits glideslope

9 KFC 225 SYSTEM OPERATION (VS) Vertical Trim “UP” & “ DOWN: Response is dependent on vertical mode when pressed. If PIT mode: .5 deg. up or down per press, or .8 per second if continuous. If (ALT) mode is active button presses result: 20 ft per press, or 500ft./ min continuous. If (VS) mode active, 100 ft/ min per press, or 300 ft/ second continuous. (Rotary Knobs) (Outer Knob: references thousands feet) (Inner knob: references hundreds feet) (VS) Vertical Speed Mode Selector Will maintain current vertical speed at moment button pressed, will activate FD, and will be annunciated (ARM) Altitude ARM. Toggles altitude arming on or off. Will automatically CAPTure altitude displayed in the Altitude Alerter/ VS display.

10 KFC 225 SYSTEM OPERATION (ALERT) Altitude alert annunciation: Aural alert 1,000 feet to altitude selected, and 200 feet after leaving selected altitude. Visual: Flashes for 2 seconds 1st time crossing altitude, and continuously flashes (PT) Annunciator: Flashes with arrow head if auto trim >16 seconds. Pitch Trim fault should be listed in Emergency section of Aircraft checklist. (YD) Auto-engages when AP is activated. Can be disengaged while AP is engaged. (CWS) Control Wheel Steering mode Disengages the pitch, roll, yaw and pitch while depressed.

11 KFC 225 SYSTEM OPERATION (GA) Go Around Mode: auto engages FD, and other modes may be subsequently added. (Trim Fail) indicator: Annunciates when automated preflight test detect pitch trim fault in flight.




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