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Discussions Summary ASSTAR - Crossing & Passing session.

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1 Discussions Summary ASSTAR - Crossing & Passing session

2 page 2 ASSTAR User Forum #1 in Rome, 4 th April 2006 ASAS C&P Radar Airspace session 1/4 Operational - Procedure  Target identification + feedback from pilot(clock / distance) & Flight ID / callsign use –Issue on use of Callsign - ICAO Flight ID ; how it is readback ; what is on CDTI ; misinterpretaion risks –Package 2/3 environment may consider a more advanced environment regarding how this information is transmitted & for selection means on-board.  Is the target aircraft informed ? –From experience in FR visual clearance it is considered, but optional –Implies extra communications information (contradicts with limiting R/T use, and with reduction in comm. transactions)

3 page 3 ASSTAR User Forum #1 in Rome, 4 th April 2006 … continued  Why not include enhanced conflict detection & resolution on ground (e.g. through ongoing ANSP system upgrades ? to assist ATCO in providing a simple vectors, like a heading change –The best place to calculate an optimized trajectory is on-board (as done for the FMS route today - it contains data not available in the ground system : atmospheric, met. conditions, aircraft performance specific to each aircraft, …)  Transition considerations into a 4D environment. –Concept can manage ASAS tactical manoeuvres and still use 4D (i.e; keep the FM engaged and execute both tactical & strategic).  Interest for capabilities related to Trajectory Change Points – (would resolve controller issues raised in MFF, moreover would feed ground probes). –Datalink is an option – extrapolating from the current situation to a near-term approach, idea was not impose too many options. –FR considers that D/L availablity should be contribute for its use – but other D/L issues (latency, integrity, availability) need to be considered. –G2G provides some rational & choices of Datalink use

4 page 4 ASSTAR User Forum #1 in Rome, 4 th April 2006 ASAS C&P Radar Airspace session 2/4 Responsibility - Roles  When delegating – who is responsible for separation - procedure if error –ASEP-C&P clearly implies DELEGATING separation responsibility to the crew. –In case of error the procedure remains identical as today : ICAO contingency procedure If separation "fails" next layer is safety net => ground : 1/2 vertical separation exists. Similar for for airborne separation failure : aircrew already has responsibility for collision avoidance – and applies own separation if it has to be applied. (Auto TCAS not favoured)  does ATCO expect separation minima to be the same as ATCO applied minima? –Separation minima vary today f() of means (monopulse : 3Nm, en-route ~12Nm) ; airborne separation has no obvious reason to be the same, moreover it is based on high performance NAV (GNSS), so should provide higher performance SEP.

5 page 5 ASSTAR User Forum #1 in Rome, 4 th April 2006 … continued  ASAS C&P pilot-controller transaction being understood as a multiple comm. syndrome (feeling being that this may adversely affect the ASAS application objective). Controller may also retain the crossing situation mentally – for his next step strategic planning Large heading change the closer you get => using up more airspace –ATCO do not consider that transactions are significantly higher than a ATCO controlled crossing under strict procedure; Positively accept the scenario –ATCO can anticipate the conflict (well in advance compared to when he would trigger the ATCO controlled crossing) : as the ASAS C&P allows for delegation to the aircraft he is relieved from the continuous execution if this crossing.

6 page 6 ASSTAR User Forum #1 in Rome, 4 th April 2006 ASAS C&P Radar Airspace session 3/4 Standards - Terminology - Phraseology  RFG interest and basis for post package 1 applications ? –Take into account experience / lessons learnt from MAAFAS (spacing), MFF (with & without delegation) –Consider that the applications fall into the Airborne SEParation category – Controller not needed to monitor, otherwise Operational interest nil.  Is crossing distance specified (e.g. crossing a heavy) ? –Target a/c wake category is a parameter in the ASAS algorithm –The information should come from the ADS-B data (not be prescribed by controller, again for a simple transaction with reduced R/T time)  Nomenclature / terminology / phraseology to be standardised –Agreed, group has intended unique terms –apologies for inconsistency in some presentations

7 page 7 ASSTAR User Forum #1 in Rome, 4 th April 2006 ASAS C&P Radar Airspace session 4/4 Technical Environment  Radar applications versus. Surveillance (ADS-B based) applications –In considering a transition scenario (today-> tomorrow) : ATCO relies on radar, so the primary objective is understand how ASAS will be integrated into the radar environment. –Although ADS-B is being considered for some airspace, it is not considered as applicable in core European area as being able to respond to needs.

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