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Be a Leader Worth Following! ECNC Leadership Summit Karen Haase KSB School

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Presentation on theme: "Be a Leader Worth Following! ECNC Leadership Summit Karen Haase KSB School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Be a Leader Worth Following! ECNC Leadership Summit Karen Haase KSB School Law @KarenHaase

2 Digital Citizenship

3 The Big Three!  Cyberbullying  Sexting  Internet Safety

4 Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying, v: the use of technology such as computers and cell phones to engage in repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.

5 High School Survey

6 Why do lawyers care?

7 Johnson v. New Brighton Area S.D., (Pa. 2005 )  One student insulted another on Twitter  Offended student “u watch ur a**, I may end up pulling a Columbine”  School expelled  Student sued  Court: true threat

8 Wynar v. Douglas County S.D. (9 th Cir. 2012)  HS student sent DMs to classmates bragged about having a stockpile of weapons threatened to “take out” particular students Referred to Columbine and Va Tech  School Expelled  Student sued claiming 1 st Amendment  Court: interfered “with the rights of other students to be secure and to be let alone.”

9 Mihnovich v. Williamson Co. Bd., (Tenn. 2013)  Student adopted from Ethiopia Received mean and racist texts Facebook page: “Hate Black **** N.M.! Who Else Does?” Received nude photograph of a female classmate  Sued School and 31 classmates Seeking $1.1 million

10 Esquivel v. Doe, (TX 2014)  Instagram page “2014 Klein Hoes”  900 followers before taken down  Settlement: $40,000

11 Yik Yak

12  Anonymous Twitter/Facebook  Users can post messages visible to users within 5-10 miles

13 Yik Yak Cases

14 Sexting

15 How Common is Sexting? June 2014 survey by Drexel University

16 Sexting Fails

17 Snapchat

18 In re Juvenile John Does (Fairfax Co. Va 2013)  Girls Snapchatted video to boy  He forwarded screenshots to friends  Three boys arrested at school  Each charged with 12 counts of distribution of child pornography  Found guilty  Appeals rejected


20 Survey of County Attorneys

21 In re Katrina R.  15 year old texted nude pics to her BF  Was adjudicated “a child who deports herself so as to injure or endanger seriously the morals or health of herself or others” Placed in legal custody of HHS 6 months’ probation Required counseling and community service.

22 Internet Safety

23 State v. Gallegos  16-year-old girl met 17-year-old guy on Kik  Talked, became friends  Asked her for pictures  She said OK  Then said he’s share those photos with her classmates unless he met him


25 So what to do?  Students: Laura Stockman’s "Twenty-Five Days to Make a Difference" ( )

26 Nothing is truly anonymous

27 Questions?

28 (402) 499-0547 KSB School Law @KarenHaase KarenHaase karenahaase

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