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The Scientific Method involves a series of steps that are used to investigate a natural occurrence.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method involves a series of steps that are used to investigate a natural occurrence."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Scientific Method involves a series of steps that are used to investigate a natural occurrence.

3 Problem/Question Observation/Research Formulate a Hypothesis Experiment/Procedure Collect Data Analyze Results Conclusion

4 Steps of the Scientific Method Problem/Question 1. Problem/Question: Develop a question or problem that can be solved through experimentation.

5 Steps of the Scientific Method Observation/Research 2. Observation/Research: Make observations and research your topic of interest.

6 Steps of the Scientific Method Formulate a Hypothesis 3. Formulate a Hypothesis: Predict a possible answer to the problem or question. Example: If soil temperatures rise, then plant growth will increase.

7 Steps of the Scientific Method Experiment/Procedure Steps 4. Experiment/Procedure Steps : Develop and follow a procedure. Include a detailed materials list. The outcome must be measurable (quantifiable).

8 Steps of the Scientific Method Collect Data 5. Collect Data: Modify the procedure if needed. Include tables, graphs, and photographs

9 Steps of the Scientific Method Analyze Results 6. Analyze Results Discuss the results. Reference tables and graphs by titles

10 Steps of the Scientific Method Conclusion 6. Conclusion: Include a statement that accepts or rejects the hypothesis.

11 Identifying Variables & Designing Investigations

12 3 Kinds of Variables Independent Variable – something that is changed by the scientist –What is tested –What is manipulated

13 3 Kinds of Variables Dependent Variable – something that might be affected by the change in the independent variable –What is observed –What is measured –The data collected during the investigation

14 3 Kinds of Variables Controlled Variable – a variable that is not changed –Also called constants –Allow for a “fair test”

15 For Example:

16 Students of different ages were given the same jigsaw puzzle to put together. They were timed to see how long it took to finish the puzzle.

17 Identify the variables in this investigation.

18 What was the independent variable? Ages of the students –Different ages were tested by the scientist

19 What was the dependent variable? The time it to put the puzzle together –The time was observed and measured by the scientist

20 What was a controlled variable? Same puzzle –All of the participants were tested with the same puzzle. –It would not have been a fair test if some had an easy 30 piece puzzle and some had a harder 500 piece puzzle.

21 One more:

22 The higher the temperature of water, the faster an egg will boil.

23 Independent variable – temperature of water Dependent variable – time to cook an egg Controlled variable – type of egg

24 Last one:

25 The temperature of water was measured at different depths of a pond.

26 Independent variable – depth of the water Dependent variable – temperature Controlled variable – thermometer

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