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The Scientific Method. Science: w Is a particular way to investigate the world, a systematic attempt to understand the universe.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method. Science: w Is a particular way to investigate the world, a systematic attempt to understand the universe."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method

2 Science: w Is a particular way to investigate the world, a systematic attempt to understand the universe

3 Observation w The fundamental activity in science. w Formulate a problem w Ask a question: why? how? w Example: “The Effect of Light on Seed Germination”.

4 Make observations w Suppose you noticed that corn seeds left on the surface of soil fail to germinate as readily as those buried in the soil.

5 Hypothesis w A proposal that might be true w Light at the surface might be preventing the germination of the seeds.

6 Prediction w Make a prediction based on the hypothesis. w If corn seeds are exposed to light, then they will not germinate as well as seeds placed in the dark.

7 Conduct an Experiment w Test prediction. w Design an experiment.

8 Assemble Two Sets w Experimental setup w Control

9 Assemble Two Sets w Obtain 20 corn seeds; soak all seeds in water for 1 hour only. w Divide the seeds into 2 groups of 10. w Wet 2 paper towels. w Place one wet, folded paper towel into each of 2 Ziploc bags. w Place 10 seeds on top of the paper towel and seal the bags.

10 Experimental Setup w The setup to which the variable is applied w Variable: that setup that is intentionally altered in an experiment. w This setup is the bag you place exposed to light for one week.

11 Control w The setup in an experiment in which conditions are not altered. w The control is the bag you place in a location where is not exposed to light of any sort for one week.

12 Results w Analyze and interpret results in light of the original hypothesis. w After one week, count and record the number of germinating seeds in each set.

13 Reach Conclusion w Accept hypothesis OR w Reject hypothesis and propose new one. w Based on your results, does light prevent the germination of the seeds?

14 Theory w A hypothesis supported by great deal of evidence


16 Review w The fundamental activity in science. ?? w That setup in an experiment in which conditions are not altered. It allows a standard of comparison for the experimental group. w A possible answer to a scientific question. w A procedure designed to test a hypothesis.

17 Question 1 w The experimental setup in an experiment: w A. makes the experiment valid. w B. is an additional replicate for statistical purposes. w C. reduces the experimental errors. w D. the setup to which the variable is applied. w E. allows a standard of comparison for the experimental group.

18 Question 2 w What should we propose and test in order to arrive a solution to a problem? w A. laws. w B. theory. w C. hypothesis. w D. facts. w E. principles.

19 Answers Question 1: D. the setup to which the variable is applied. Question 2: C. hypothesis.

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