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450-600’s CE Europe and Asia Instructor Pacas. China after the collapse of the Han The Han Dynasty collapse in 220 CE/AD and this left huge power vacuum.

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1 450-600’s CE Europe and Asia Instructor Pacas

2 China after the collapse of the Han The Han Dynasty collapse in 220 CE/AD and this left huge power vacuum as independent kingdoms fought for control over former Han territories. The wars against the Xiuong Nu had depleted the coffers of the Han court. Setting barbarian against barbarian ushered a period of social upheaval in China and Central Asia.

3 Inheritors of Empire After the collapse of the Han three new contenders to carve out respective empires emerged in China and Central Asia. The Toba (Northern Wei 386-534CE) in Northern China The Hua, Rouran or Avars in Mongolia The Hepthalites that conquered former Kushan Kingdom in of Afghanistan and Northern India and Pakistan.

4 The Avars The Qaghan of the Avars in Mongolia enjoyed marriage alliances with the Chinese court. As the Toba (Northern Wei) were trying to consolidate power and create stability due to religious upheavals between legalists, Confusians and Buddhists they secretly created dissention among the confederation of the Avars.

5 Avars in Europe The remnant of the Avars would eventually cross into Europe and settle in the Hungarian plains were they set up a kingdom known as the nine rings. They occupied this region until eventually conquered by the forces of Charlemagne in the 8 th century CE.

6 Turkish Khaganate Eventually a group of subjugated tribes known as the Gok Turks rebelled against their Avar overlords and overthrew the empire of the Avars forcing the remnants to move west. At first consolidated it split into two because of more Toba based intrigue that forced a split. The Eastern and Western Khaganate with the East being the senior one. Gok Turks-subjugated the whole of the other Central Asian tribes.

7 The Huns under Attila the Hun In Europe meanwhile in 445 CE Attila the Hun who had co-ruled the confederation of Huns with his brother Bleda left to them by the death of their uncle Rua, assassinated Bleda and assumed the sole reign of power of the Huns. By 447 CE Attila threatened hostilities with the Eastern Roman Empire if they did not buy peace and also release some Hun princess who had sought refuge in Constantinople.

8 Buying Peace The Eastern Romans agreed to pay the gold demanded by Attila and hand over the refuges who were tortured and gruesomely crucified. Some of these accounts survive in the mission related to by Priscus. Roman attempts to buy off Hun retainers and have them assassinate Attila failed as these men were extremely loyal to their king.

9 Gaiseric and Honoria Gaiseric King of the Vandals it is believed orchestrated the event that would plunge the Western Roman Empire in a collision course with Attila. Fearing a joint attack of both Empires Gaiseric advised Attila to demand more money from the Eastern Empire. The Eastern Empire hoping to pacify Attila tried to convince him to put pressure instead on the Western half of the Empire.

10 Honoria The sister of the emperor who feared being sent off to the Eastern Empire under the tutelage of Pulcheria (her strict aunt) sent an emissary to Attila stating that if Attila came to her rescue she would marry the King of the Huns. This meant that any child from this union would have a claim to the throne of Western Roman Empire.

11 451 CE Attila demanded his bride and the Western Empire refused. Attila then decided to leave the Hungarian Plains and march against Rome. Rome had been engaged in a war against the Visigoths of Spain and Southern Gaul(France) but concluded a peace agreement and instead joined forces with each other to deal with Attila.

12 Attila’s forces The Hun confederation was supported with Sarmatians, some Alans, Ostrogoths, Gepids and Hunnic tribes. Of particular importance to history of the West were two of Attila’s personal bodyguards/friends. Onegesius the Goth Orestes the Roman

13 Priscus on Hunnic Society The Huns had an extremely fluid society and because you might be enslaved by the Huns it did not mean that you would be a slave in perpetuity. Priscus met a Roman who dressed like a Hun and said that his life under Attila was much better than it had ever been as a Roman.

14 Battle of Chalons 451 CE Attila and his Huns met the Roman general Aetius and his ally King Theoderid (Theodoric?) of the Visigoths in the Cataluanian fields also known as Campus Mariacus or Chalons in 451 CE. Attila was defeated but allowed to escape by Aetius who feared that without the Huns as a possible check against Visigoths the Germanic barbarians would prove too strong to control.

15 Death of Theoderid During the battle the king of the Visigoths was killed (according to legend by an Ostrogoth missile either lance or arrow). Aetius told the son of the king now that the Huns were defeated to race back home to secure his throne. Attila fearing the worse had prepped all the saddles into a huge funeral pyre and was planning to commit suicide but got news that Aetius was going to let him flee back to the Hungarian Plains.

16 452 CE On his way back to the Hungarian Plains Attila decided to stop in Rome and threaten to sack the city but the Pope bought him off instead. The following year celebrating the addition of another wife, a Scirian Goth princess, named Ildico…Attila suffered a nose bleed…either brought about by excessive drinking or poison (Ildico having a hand in it). The Hun empire was destroyed just one year later as three Ostrogothic brothers lead a rebellion against Attila’s son at the famous battle of Nedao river 454 CE.

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